9 years ago
can't seem to find his best kilt. Which was simply the worst thing to happen to him. Especially since he knew that Gaul was supposedly coming along with Rome thisn time around. He wanted to look his best when_
latest #156
9 years ago
_he kicked Rome back into Brittania.
9 years ago
sighs as he runs a hand through his hair, staring at the ceiling of the litter he was being carried in. He hadn't really wanted to come along on this trip of Rome's, but the man had been terribly interested
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in bring Francis along to show him off and teach him about he world outside of Gaul. The rocking of being carried carefully comes to a halt, and Francis can hear the sound of Rome's orders to his troops
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and dismounting. They must have reached their destination at last. Francis peeks his head out of the carriage, glancing around before carefully stepping out to get a better view of the location.
9 years ago
Looks out through the trees when he hears the army approaching, cursing under his breath as he scrambles around for the nearest, cleanish, kilt. He yanks it down over his head,_
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Yanking it down to cover his vital regions. When he's done, he emerges from the trees to confront Rome, all he while his eyes roaming the area for Francis.
9 years ago
_when he spots Francis off to the side, he begins to veer off towards the litter, making his way through the crowd. 'This is my land!' He_
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Exclaims, pride leaking into his voice.
9 years ago
didn't really expect to be addressed right away, he had assumed any business with Rome would be the priority. So when he hears the prideful voice that seems to be heading his way he looks up in
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surprise, furrowing his brow as he spots the red haired child coming towards him. "You... are Caledonia?" he asks dubiously as the other gets closer, eyeing the boy. When Rome has described the thorn
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in his side that was Caledonia, he had pictured someone a little... more.
9 years ago
Grins boyishly upon hearing the question, chest puffing out with pride! 'Aye! I'm Caledonia.' He steps closer, looking the girl up and down. 'You're Gaul, right? Why don't ya run away from Rome?'
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furrows his brow a little, unaware that the other was under the impression he was a girl. "Rome has given me a great number of great things, and helped
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me become a civilized nation," he replies curtly. He won't mention how many times he had tried to do exactly that at the start.
9 years ago
makes a face at the little speech. One he has heard from Britannia over and over again. 'Who gets to decide what's civilised and what's not?' He looks around at the crowd of soldiers traipsing about his land.
9 years ago
_ "'Cause I don't think barging in like this is civilised."
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hums at his answer, shaking his head. "Rome has taught us many great advancements to make our lives better. The man himself may not be perfect but his skills and ideas are..." he trails off, admittedly mostly
9 years ago
saying it to spite the redhead. "You knew he was coming," he points out.
9 years ago
crosses his arms, starting to get annoyed with the blond. She seemed to have an answer for everything. 'That's 'cause he's an idiot... and he's old...'
9 years ago
can't help the little smirk that tugged at the edges of her mouth at his reply. "Well I think the old idiot is probably expecting you to actually go greet him," he points out, glancing back
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towards where he'd last seen Rome only to find the elder nation heading towards them instead.
9 years ago
looks around when Francis glances towards Rome, a strangled noise escaping from the back of his throat as he spots the imposing figure approaching. His whole demeanour changes, resembling a cat whose_
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fur has been rubbed up the wrong way. In an action that alludes to his true level of maturity, he pulls down an eyelid and sticks out a tongue at the older nation before charging forward to kick_
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the man in the shin. Rather than a thorn in Rome's side, Scotland appeared to be more of a pain in the man's butt.
9 years ago
blinks as Caledonia's entire demeanour changes, watching the other curiously and have to hide a laugh behind his hand as the other charges. Rome seems less pleased with the attack, but is quick to
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bellow out a laugh and reach down to pick up the little runt and hold him at arm's length. "Caledonia!! Good to see you too my child, it's been too long. I see you've already met my wonderful little
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Gaul?" he grins.
9 years ago
Squirms in the older nations hold, grabbing onto his arms in an attempt to loosen the hold. When that fails he glares at the man, 'Aye. I've met her!' He answers, starting to kick his legs_
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In an attempt to connect and cause some damage. "What of it? Wanna show me all the pretty girls you have or something?" He seems to flush, shaking his head to rid himself of the thought.
9 years ago
"I still dinnae wanna join your wrinkly arsed empire." He finally connects a foot with Rome's elbow, yelping triumphantly.
9 years ago
|| Rome tries to be careful that Gregory's kicks can't land anywhere forceful, grinning at the boy's reply and quickly glancing back to Gaul, who was already distracted in talking to a soldier and
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missed the fact Gregory thought him a girl. "Something like that! I wonder if you'd like to make some new and gorgeous friends to try and ease your loneliness," he answers, though gasping
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and dropping the redhead when that foot connects with his elbow. He grimaces momentarily but goes back to smiling quickly. "My empire consists of the greatest minds and most beautiful countries
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on this great earth," he answers, crouching down to be more at eye level with the brat. "There's a spot open for you when you change your mind~"
9 years ago
Lands on his butt with an indignant yelp before scrambling to stand up. His fists are balled up at his sides as the older nation kneels down_
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, the words barely registering in Scotland's mind as he watches the man's smug mouth roll over the offer. He reaches over to tug on Rome's hair, giving it a harsh yank as he tries to climb up_
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Ontop of him for a harsher attack. 'You can stick your slimy spot up your arse.'
9 years ago
|| Rome is secretly pleased at that yelp, though he frowns at the tug and as Gregory tried to climb him. He sighs, grabbing Gregory's ankles and yanking him off as he stands up, now holding him upside
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down. "Tch, such a brat sometimes. I brought you a guest, you should at least try to be civil to them, hm?" He glances back to Francis, beckoning him over as he drops Gregory again. "Hey Gaul, why
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don't you come talk with Caledonia a bit more? I've got other things to tend to." He had already informed Francis what his purpose for being here really was. Francis steps back over, nodding in agreement and
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glancing back to Gregory.
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starts to kick up a huge fuss as Rome hangs him upside down, the design of his meaning he's mooning the majority of the army Rome has brought with him. 'What does civil even fucking mean?' he asks, reaching_
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out to try and hit Rome. The second drop is more startling with the first and accompanies a pained cry as he barely misses landing on his head. He takes a moment or two to gather himself, standing up just in_
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time for Gaul to arrive. 'Gaul can come in, but you have to stay out, beardy git.' He pats down his kilt, stomping off towards the forest he had come from. He stops short of disappearing into the overgrowth,_
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gesturing for Gaul to come along.
9 years ago
|| Rome sighs and looks away as he gets the full frontal view of Gregory. He smirks though at the pained sound, though Francis cringes sympathetically in pain as he steps up. Watching the red head storm back
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to the bushes, Rome rubs his beard in thought and frowns, before kneeling to Francis. "Have fun, and let him know how great it is to be a part of an empire, my beautiful Gaul," he smiles, kissing the top of
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Francis's head before shooing him along to head to Caledonia. Francis smiles at the little kiss and nods before running off to Greg.
9 years ago
Makes kissy faces as Gaul makes her way over, teasing the other nation. 'My name isn't Caledonia. It's Alba.' At least, that's what
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_he had been called before Rome came along. He holds out a hand, offering Francis help as they embark into his land. For some reason, he
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Felt as though Francis' clothes wouldn't hold up the deal. 'What were you called.... Before?'
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hadn't been embarrassed at the kisses before, having been learning a lot of affectionate ways from Rome himself and getting used to it, but when he sees the mocking look Gregory's giving him he does flush in
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embarrassment. "Alba?" he repeats, taking the offered hand and pausing next to him. "I... was Celtica..." he says hesitantly, glancing behind him to double check Rome hadn't followed after all.
9 years ago
Smiles, giving the other's hand a small squeeze. 'I think that's a really pretty name!' He begins to tug Gaul into his lands, wanting to_
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Show off a little. 'Can I call you Celtica?'
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purses his lips a bit but lets himself get tugged along, keeping up with him. "My name's Gaul now though..." he answers, remembering what Rome's purpose in bringing him here was. "I'd rather that, please."
9 years ago
Makes a face at the request, pausing in front of a fallen log that they're going to have to climb over. He lets go of Gaul's hand, climbing up_
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Ahead before offering her a hand to help her up. 'Okay, Gaul. But you should call me Alba. Not Caledonia.'
9 years ago
watches him climb up, hesitating and lifting the edges of his robes with one hand and taking Gregory's in the other. "Thank you... Caledonia is a pretty name too though!" He smiles, but nods. "But
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I'll call you Alba if you want."
9 years ago
bites back the urge to scoff as Gaul worries over his robes. He leads Gaul down the other side of the trunk and down a path_
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Towards a loch. 'I don't like the name though. I think Alba is cooler.' And of course, he wants to be cool.
Francis likes
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his clothes! He follows along, looking around as they go and humming in response. "I guess it could be seen that way..." he answers. " know, being a part of an empire isn't so bad," he ventures, smiling.
9 years ago
Makes a sound in the back of his throat that sounds a lot like a scoff. 'I don't wanna have anyone messing up my lands.' He_
9 years ago
Pushes aside a tree branch, gesturing for Gaul to go through. There the two are confronted with a loch surrounded by green mountains. It's
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A sight that causes scotland to puff out his chest with pride. 'He'd just turn this into one of those Aqua thingamajigs.'
9 years ago
frowns a little at the doubtful sound, but takes the help, carefully ducking through the opening to avoid snagging his outfit. "The aquaducts are great though! It's so much easier to get water to where it
Francis needs
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to go..." he trails off on his thought though, stepping forward to look around and take in the sight in front of him. It was pretty beautiful, he had to admit, but he was starting to get annoyed by this boy's
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level of pride. "Well, you certainly couldn't use this water otherwise," he points out, though the look on his face probably betrays that he's admiring the sight.
9 years ago
makes a face, following Gaul through the opening. 'Why do I have to use it though? I have plenty of water elsewhere!'
9 years ago
Glances at Gaul's expression, annoyance somewhat placated by the look on his face. 'Let's go take a closer look!'
9 years ago
shrugs in reply to his question. "You might want to if you actually had a population." He blinks at the suggestion, looking back to the water and nodding. "Sure," he agrees, taking Alba's hand
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again and smiling a little at him. "Lead the way.'
9 years ago
Flushes when Gaul takes his hand, nodding wordlessly. Any smart comments had been temporarily misplaced in the_
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Face of that smile. 'It's not that hard to get there!' He assures, rubbing the back of his head with his free hand as he leads the man_
9 years ago
Down the path.
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wouldn't have agreed if the path had looked too hard, else make Gregory carry him! But he nods and lets himself be lead, looking around as they go. It must be the scenery like this that Rome was
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after, he figured.
9 years ago
Leads Gaul down to the banks, revealing a pebble beach. Sand beaches weren't really Alba's thing. 'What's Gaul like?' He asks,_
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.finally feeling the colour leaving his cheeks.
9 years ago
.thinks that seems to suit the boy better anyways. "Gaul is super beautiful! And I can support a great number of humans with how giving the land is," he grins, his turn to puff up a bit in pride. "You should
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come see it someday," he nods.
9 years ago
Smiles, 'I want to. Maybe after Rome stops bothering me.' He lets go of Francis' hand to reach down for a pebble, throwing it_
9 years ago
Out to skim against the water. 'Why do you need to support so many people though?'
9 years ago
hums a bit at that. "I don't think that'll be any time soon," he laughs softly, crouching down to pick up a few more smooth rocks to skip, offering a few to Greg. "My people are thriving because of
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Rome's help! Lots of people can live in Gaul now," he boasts.
9 years ago
Thanks Gaul, making it somewhat of a competition as he tries to beat each of Francis' attempts, failing more often than not.
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'I don't want his help though. I'm happy right now.'
9 years ago
notices Gregory trying to compete and can't help but try to up his tosses too. Though when he comes to the last rock in his hands, he just chucks it as far into the loch as he can instead of skipping
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it. "Happiness is good. It feels nice to be strong though," he smiles, toeing a few rocks to see if there's other good ones for skipping. "Is there more you'd like to show me?"
9 years ago
*falls quiet as he watches the stone drop into the water with an audible plop. 'I'm strong enough to keep Rome away. That's all I_
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.need." He rubs the back of his head, looking a little bashful before the question catches his attention. 'There is this really cool cliff_
9 years ago
. You can jump from! I do it all the time.'
9 years ago
.is pretty pleased with his toss, humming as he looks back to Gregory. "Is it safe?" he asks, intrigued. It had been a while since he did anything reckless like that, but maybe it was a good time to, when Rome
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wasn't around.
9 years ago
Grins, 'I'm still about!' He indicates his head towards a slightly overgrown path! 'You're not scared, are you?'
9 years ago
laughs at that reply, unable to argue with the logic. He flushes slightly at the question though, puffing up a bit in bravado. "No, of course not...!" Maybe only a little.
9 years ago
pumps a fist in the air, looking pleased. 'Good. 'Cause I don't want to have to push you in.'
He leads Gaul to the path, a steep ascent to a nearby cliff.
9 years ago
_'Are you gonna wear your dress?'
9 years ago
makes a face at the threat of being pushed in, but follows along after him. He pauses a bit at the question, finding Gregory's wording weird but glacing down to his clothes. "Hmm.. I'd better not
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risk ruining it..." he answers. "Should I leave it down here?"
9 years ago
nods, 'It would be a pain going back up for it when we climb out....' He starts to take his own kilt off, hanging it on a tree. 'How come your_
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Dress is so fancy anyhow??'
9 years ago
laughs a bit at that. "It's the newest fashion! Isn't it lovely?" He replies, giving a twirl to show it off. He strips off the garments pretty efficiently though, hanging them up from the same tree.
9 years ago
Watches as the dress flairs out around Gaul, having to admit that it suited the blonde nation. 'It looks good on....' He_
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Pauses, rubbing at his eyes for a moment before exclaiming. 'You're a boy!!!!!'
9 years ago
blinks at the exclamation, looking at Greg strangely. "Of course I am? What did you think I was...."
9 years ago
Flushes, rubbing the back of his head. 'Well.... You're wearing a dress... I thought you were a girl.'
9 years ago
Mumbles, as a small add on, 'Plus... You're super pretty.'
9 years ago
goes to say something rude in return, but pauses and flushes a bit at the added on comment, thinking better on it. "...w-well I'm not. That's just rude," he replies, rubbing his cheek a bit in embarrassment.
9 years ago
Looks as though he regrets the misunderstanding, nodding. 'Sorry,' he mumbles... Unable to look at the other.
9 years ago
furrows his brow a bit, but decides its not worth ruining a trip over this. "...want to still go swimming?" he asks, despite feeling a bit selfconscious.
9 years ago
Nods, 'Yeah!' It's kinda less awkward this way, anyhow. He starts leading the way to the top of the cliff, 'How come your skin is so smooth?'
9 years ago
Is curious. Perhaps it was something to do with magic!
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follows after him, fiddling with his hair. "Hm..? I take care of myself! Baths are amazing...." he smiles again.
9 years ago
Raises an eyebrow, 'What's a bath?' He doesn't seem convinced. Is it magic?
9 years ago
grins a bit at that, though trying to figure out how to best describe it. "Rome's built houses where there's like, a small pool of heated water... it's really nice to sit in, and it means you can keep clean so
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much easier."
9 years ago
Shudders at the thought, shaking his head. 'Why waste time building that when you can go swimming?' He stops short of the_
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Edge, grinning back at Francis. 'You go first! Otherwise you might chicken out'm
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hums at that! "It feels really good too! The warm water is so nice again my skin~" He blinks and glances over the edge, feeling a bit nervous again. "...are you sure you don't want to show me how it's done
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first?" he offers with a uneasy smile.
9 years ago
Shakes his head, 'You can't mess it up! All you have to do is jump!' He grins brightly, in what he hopes is a reassuring manner.
9 years ago
purses his lips, glancing over the edge of the rocks again in debate. He takes a half step back to get his footing, taking a breath and looking like he's about to jump... before suddenly grabbing
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Gregory and shoving him over the edge instead!!
9 years ago
Shrieks as he suddenly feels his centre of gravity shift and the ground disappear underneath him. the shrieks soon turn to_
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Laughter as his mind catches up with the situation. He lands with a huge splash, coming back up to the surface quickly. 'Ya git!'
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grins as he watches Gregory fall, laughing by the time he comes back up. "That's for calling me a girl!!" He shouts back. He takes a half step back and jumps himself, shrieking with the adrenaline on the
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way down as well; the move had given him enough courage to no longer hesitate. He comes up with a flip of his hair, grinning at Gregory.
9 years ago
Swims out of the way of Francis with a laugh, getting splashed as Francis lands in the water. He's there to greet the nation as he_
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Resurfaces, splashing him. There seems to be something very akin to admiration in Scotland's eyes. 'That was sooo cool!'
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makes a sound of surprise as he's splashed the moment he surfaces, laughing as he wipes the water out of his eyes. "Pushing you off a cliff was cool??" He laughs, arching a brow as he swims in place.
9 years ago
Waves his arms in excitement, cause a lot of splashing? 'Super cool!'
9 years ago
grins, shielding himself with his arms and trying to kick-splash him back. "You're a masochist," he teases.
9 years ago
Blinks. He's not quite sure what that means, but he knows that he doesn't want to be it. 'You're a masochist.'
9 years ago
Covers his face upon the onslaught of attack, trying to swim away.
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laughs, slowly stopping the splashing. "Nuh uhhh," he replies. It might be a while til he realizes he is. He sighs happily now that he's in the water, floating on his back.
9 years ago
Furrows his brow, 'Uh huh!' He swims over, grabbing the other's ankle and giving it a yank. 'You're a big, auld, masochist.'
9 years ago
yelps as he's pulled and flails a bit to upright himself again. "Y-you dont even know what it means!" he accuses on a whim, sticking his tongue out.
9 years ago
Looks taken aback, 'I do too!!'
9 years ago
Tries to swim backwards, to avoid retaliation.
9 years ago
pushes a wave of water at him to splash, but it falls short as Greg get's out of range. He merely hums at him, sinking into the water up to his chin, happy to just float.
9 years ago
Huffs as his intelligence is questioned, sure he didn't even need to know what such a word meant. 'What does it mean?' He finally asks, sinking until_
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His nose is barely above the water in hopes of hiding his blush.
9 years ago
blinks over at Gregory, grinning. Just asking the question clued him in that he was right. "it means you reeeeeeeally like it when people tease you~" he hums.
8 years ago
makes a face, springing back up to defend himself. "Who likes being teased?" He doesn't seemed amused by the prospect whatsoever and creeps closer, planning to get his revenge.
8 years ago
shrugs a bit, keeping a wary eye on Gregory and starting to swim backwards as the other approaches. "Rome seems to have some friends who quite like it..."
8 years ago
scoffs, "Of course Rome's friends would like it..." He suddenly reaches forward to tug on Francis leg, trying to tug him closer. "Do you like to be teased?"
8 years ago
gasps at the tug, tryingto kick him off, expecting he was going to drag him under. "I didn't say that..!"
8 years ago
let's go of Francis as one of the kicks lands on his arm. He holds the arm, rubbing it absentmindedly. 'Maybe not now... but you're a friend of Rome, right?'
8 years ago
feels a bit bad as it seems he'd kicked him too hard, but he's still keeping his distance in the water expecting retaliation. "Y-yeah, but that doesn't mean nothin..." He's a bit embarrassed
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though because what if it did??
8 years ago
Raises an eyebrow, 'You'll be as much of a Sadich as those friends of Rome if you don't watch out!'
8 years ago
sticks his tongue out at him. "As if!"
8 years ago
Swims backwards, feeling as though he might have the upper hand for once. 'You're gonna be a big auld Masochist!'
8 years ago
frowns at him. "I'll show you...!" he protests, leaping forward as best one can in the water to tackle Gregory, trying to drag him under the water.
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