You get Ronnae lmao well that should be... uh... interesting lol
Poor Ronnae. XD UH at least you both like... burgers? And can be worked up into bouts of frothing rage?
You're too sweet for this ship.
Actually, considering Mac is from the good ole USA, they would actually have things to talk about.
I imagine Joel probably went to New York at least once or twice - maybe on that cross country road trip with Tommy
I just imagine him at an absolute loss as to how to respond to that at all
Gosh heartbreaking too since things like Times Square don't exist for him anymore
"....thanks, Ma'am. Here. Pet my Coyote-snake. I'm gonna go... repair... everything."
Oh man I kind of hope if there's a sequel to TLOU they talk about other major cities more.I'd LOVE to know what happened to LA, Seattle, NY...
We didn't get to see very much of Boston but what we did see was super interesting
She will pet that coyote-snake and dote on it and ogle your butt joel
Gosh whenever we had free roam of a city I would spend so long exploring and looking at the state of it all
His butt DOES Look pretty great. He definitely has some nice dad-booty goin' on back there.
Me too. Oh man. I'm a sucker for that stuff.
Pit? Would this even work??
Joel and Pit would probably never work. Joel is probably undateable in his entirety, but I'd hate to see him break the heart of an Angel. That would be too tragic.
Oh... I just logged into Rouge before I saw this to work on her app. :I UHHHHM IDK COULD IT WORK?
Good luck even getting Pit attracted to Joel in the first place. It would have to be cupidbotted or something.
Joel and Rouge would be... a thing. Well, we know that she doesn't mind rugged aloof types (Knuckles.) or emotionally distant troubled guys (Shadow.)
Look Pit don't you go dismissing him just because he's old and bearded and covered in scars on the inside and the outside. He's got some serious booty going on.
(Luna super excited to know you're working on a Rouge app by the way. XD )