ugh this week.
latest #12
we are leaving for vacation SOON. and what happens? we get a mouse in our house for the first time (we've lived here 10 years).
it keeps pooping by the cat food, and ignoring the (catch-and-release) traps we've set out.
(kitty background: in my absence from plurk, I didn't mention: we lost one of our older kitties a few weeks ago, and the other had a health scare a few weeks before that, so she's now on wet food plus having
extra dry food around all the time, which does mean more for mice to be attracted to)
and there isn't time to try to get someone out to find how the mice are getting in and maybe stop it, and the traps aren't working.
plus we put out some smelly stuff mice are supposed to hate (non-toxic) and the kitty seems to not like it or something and wouldn't eat her food in the normal place this morning, but was
happy to eat it elsewhere. (at least she wasn't refusing food, which would mean more health drama.)
but just argh leaving her for two weeks (with a good sitter and a friend checking on her as well but STILL) with all this crap.
love my geriatric kitty. and miss her sister.
Dana Lexa
9 years ago
Ugh what bad timing
9 years ago
Ugh, agreed =( Also... my condolences on the loss of one of your kitties
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