...nothing like going to the ER with severe stomach pain on the right side. They think you have something going on to the point where I had to while nauseated down contrast & get an IV, etc.. I have a CT Scan
with that contrast plus IV contrast... and all to be told hours later it's just abdominal cramps/pain ... really wtf. They gave me something for pain. Didn't address the fact that I have had burny pain & cramps
every time I drink or eat the last 4-5 days. I have been nauseated off & on with no reason. You'd think something is up if bottled water makes you sick to your stomach.. I was there basically 12hrs.. GIVEN I
went at 7pm got released at 1am and my ride didn't show til 5-ish am & just getting home.. very tired and since being released from the ER been puking.. joy