...nothing like going to the ER with severe stomach pain on the right side. They think you have something going on to the point where I had to while nauseated down contrast & get an IV, etc.. I have a CT Scan
latest #8
with that contrast plus IV contrast... and all to be told hours later it's just abdominal cramps/pain ... really wtf. They gave me something for pain. Didn't address the fact that I have had burny pain & cramps
every time I drink or eat the last 4-5 days. I have been nauseated off & on with no reason. You'd think something is up if bottled water makes you sick to your stomach.. I was there basically 12hrs.. GIVEN I
went at 7pm got released at 1am and my ride didn't show til 5-ish am & just getting home.. very tired and since being released from the ER been puking.. joy
yet I've not puked til tonight.. and I've had the nausea as long as the cramping/issues with eating/drinking & lack of appetite..
ℜợυ says
9 years ago
hope everything will be better soon
9 years ago
:-( I hope you feel better
hugs lillie, rou & godpop ty
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