生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
9 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
研究指出:鮪魚與鯖魚群體已災難性的銳減74% - 衛報
Tuna and mackerel populations suffer catastrophic 74... Warning over Pacific bluefin tuna stocks as Japan me...https://imgur.com/tBLjyel.jpgHuge pirate tuna fishing operation exposed in Pacifi... Pirate fishing in the Pacific Ocean – in pictures
#生態保育 #永續漁業 #鮪魚 #海洋正義 #海洋生態 #生態議題 #永續海鮮 #海洋保育 #海盜
latest #14
Report: Unlocking the potential of global fisheries
Warning over Pacific bluefin tuna stocks as Japan me...
Company is still using fish aggregation devices in its fishing fleet despite a promise in 2011 that 100% of its tuna would be sustainable by 2016.
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