kusumaRAWR asks
15 years ago
i am soo damn bored. what should i do ? any ideas?
latest #14
NatalieSwan ♥ says
15 years ago
watching twilight for the 59th times .. not such a good idea for me . ya ndak lah !! it's the best idea !! muahahaha !!
NatalieSwan ♥ says
15 years ago
not such a good idea ???? huaaaaaa jadii kangen bella pas blg ke mike .. (cry)
15 years ago
brosing youtube liat video kucing :-D
kusumaRAWR says
15 years ago
astaga .
kusumaRAWR says
15 years ago
twilight-a-holic and cat-a-holic
kusumaRAWR says
15 years ago
yeah. you give me an idea. may be i am better to read eclipse (thinking)
NatalieSwan ♥ says
15 years ago
nyahahaa . I'd rather die than stay away from you *mulai nglantur* finally I can watch it in this damn world~ hold on~ *nyambung ke ostny*
NatalieSwan ♥ says
15 years ago
just call me by my name . and girlll savee your souuul~ (music) how old are you ?
kusumaRAWR says
15 years ago
fifteen . How long have i been fifteen? awhile . haha
NatalieSwan ♥ says
15 years ago
i know what u r . say it . out loud . v a m p i r e . r u afraid ? *turn* no . then ask me the most basic question . u wont hurt me .
NatalieSwan ♥ says
15 years ago
mskipun ol dhp ngtik hrs ngbut . nyahaha . this is why we dont show ourselves in sunlight . people would know we're different .
NatalieSwan ♥ says
15 years ago
this is what i am its like diamond . u're beautiful . beautiful ? this is the skin of a killer . i'm a killer .
NatalieSwan ♥
15 years ago
i dont believe that . because u believe of lie . camouflage *gempor ngtik*
invmzsinsane says
15 years ago
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