a "Cirque du Soleil of the apocalyptic wasteland."
latest #9 zannah 's perfect review of Mad Max.
They used actual Cirque performers for the stunts (which were real, done at speed, with minimal CGI)
That is what I suspected, but was too lazy to look up!
It was the pole-cars that really made me think that might be the case. I'm sure I've seen something at one of the Cirque shows.
Yeah, I don't know if you could really find anyone else to do those stunts.
Also, the old women all did their own stunts - when asked if they were worried about it, they said that since they were basically stuck playing people that were dead or dying, they'd be perfectly
okay dying playing the most exciting role they'd ever get to play for the rest of their lives.
heard that the DVD collector's edition will have a score-only audio track for the movie. I'm kinda excited to see the film again in that format.
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