I'm seriously considering moving back to where I grew up in Texas. But I'm terrified to show up and be alone with no friends... (I mean I know people there... More than I know here) but I haven't
latest #12
Seen them since 2007....
Any of you just picked up and moved to a whole other state? Any advice?
That's the only place I've ever felt home.
Dylan says
9 years ago
It's rare to find a place that feels like home to you, i move around a lot and never really get to have that feeling or make a ton of friends, i'd say do it, you only live once
Why do you move around so much D:
Dylan says
9 years ago
The way my degree is laid out I have to do co-ops to graduate, so every other semester i have to move and get a jerb and then move back to college for classes after lol
Ugh that sounds awful! What's your major? It's been ages since we talked, we need to catch up!
Dylan says
9 years ago
Computer Science and Engineering
Morgan ✨
9 years ago
Yesss buuuut <<;;; my moving has always ended with me coming back to OR where I grew up
Morgan ✨
9 years ago
so I kinda gave up
Rune🐻ofAgamotto says
9 years ago
I moved from where I grew up to a temporary state then to Florida 13 years ago now.
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