Farrier says
8 years ago
So it looks like this time, it really is it. I've held onto this job for six years, but I need to find another within two months.
latest #8
Farrier says
8 years ago
Anyone got any advice? Or even better, any job leads in the Austin area?
Farrier says
8 years ago
or heck, anywhere, if the pay or relocation package is good enough?
Swamp Daddy
8 years ago
Good luck on the job hunt. (goodluck)
Farrier says
8 years ago
Thanks! Worst comes to the worst, I'll get my citizenship then jump onto the back of a goods train and become a hobo.
Lemongrass is
8 years ago
sorry it's over, but feels you do need to move on.
8 years ago
DH is looking for a job now too ... if you're with a company for 30 tears, and they go out of business ... that 30 years makes no difference :-( ... he's having a tough time finding a job too. :-(
8 years ago
From how I am reading Farier's Facebok post, is he isbdoing it for the benifit of the company which he highly supports, and will continue to work for them...
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