9 years ago
So last week Thursday I got Iron pumped into my veins for 5 hours. Screenshot Before I was like Now I'm feeling more like Woohooo!!!
latest #13
9 years ago
Oh wow! :-o
Vic Lenoirre
9 years ago
Whoa! You go girl!
9 years ago
SkyeGeek: VictoriaLenoirre: Now I'm all ready for Friday and weekend. Actually do something other than rest. YES!
9 years ago
all right!!
9 years ago
gus_efe: Time for asado! Fiesta!!!
9 years ago
I know how you feel! Last August I tried to bleed to death slowly and was about 4 hours from a transfusion according to my dr. I felt like a flat tire, flatter than a flat tire. It's amazing how much iron makes
9 years ago
a difference to your energy levels.
9 years ago
Raynee: OMG yes! I was literally dragging daily. I only made it cause of Caffeine. Now it's, I'll have some. Before it was like. MUST HAVE COFFEE!!!
Xaqueline says
9 years ago
Yay! My cousin has that done every couple of years as she's very anemic. I'm glad that treatment works for you guys!
9 years ago
I've been borderline anemic too since I was a teenager. Now it's gotten worse in the last 7 years or so. I feel like a flower that was in a drought and suddenly got a good watering. lol.
Raynee says
9 years ago
I'm borderline anemic also but last year I had a period from hell that lasted almost 3 weeks. They never did find out why either. All normal
Raynee says
9 years ago
and regular since then. Dr said maybe pre-menopausal or just a weird fluke.
9 years ago
Raynee: When I start eating ice...I know it's time. I've needed iron since like..6 months. Damn doctors!
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