I only have a handful claimed atm so let's try to knock these out sooner than later...

f i r s t o n e . . .
a bajillion etrian decks and a bajillion koei decks in one month = mass deck hell, but at least it's gonna be a
pretty hell
(i thought i could relax when sky ran out of megamans. ha)
It's when you let your guard down that we strike
i won't be satisfied until we have etrian special decks for all of them though
but man yeah, for the first time in forever all my new release slots are filled just with stuff I want
that's been me for months
If you put the donations together, I'll make them!!
oooooh. i will have to figure out how to go about them first ofc
I have a special coupon, too, so I could do two a month
(i want class decks in addition to npc decks, sob)
i just have too many special decks i want...
donated three in one go this month so all the FFT people who can't get decks can be somewhere
fire emblem 5 is gonna take me four decks...
aww... ;v; I NOTICED THAT
...man, you really are in special deck hell
and i still wanna do a yoshi's island special
.. I also donated nine decks im so sorry PLEASE LEAVE THEM TO SOMEONE ELSE
tactical rpgs make for an excellent special deck hell
I would make that deck... I love Yoshi's Island...
a million people who don't have enough for real decks and must go into specials
Eon- I BARELY EVEN LOOKED AT DONATIONS THIS MONTH Rune was like, 'Lila, let's have EOU2 decks' and I was like, 'That sounds great!'
I might take on the Norn9 decks but...man. Man... That means less time playing Tales of Link/Asteria...
I donated the other 9 people for norn9. it was a Mistake I need to cry over my new mass deck
it's 9 decks, lila please love yourself
Sam- it's true... That's how Suikoden is too... I HAVE TO MAKE THEM SPECIAL DECKS TOO...
Eon- I used to take a bunch when I started out... You came too late...
I wanted FFT specials for a long time and now they'll be out around my birthday, but now i have to get a billion coupons for FE5 again
I love Tales of mobile games too much to do anything else
Sam- You can do it... ;~; though it sounds really painful...
also i saw that someone might start donating ikkitousen next
rest in peace in peace...

How many decks are you even collecting now...
right as i finished all the DW decks thT were out, AL and I leapt headfirst into donating a bajillion more
I NOTICED... I admire that dedication...
....twelve mass decks going, etrian will make 13. one of those is done completely and a couple are very close, but several of those are big franchise mass decks....

and tbh i don't like that the rurouni kenshin mass deck is done because i want decks for all of the juppongatana
komagata yumi is perfection personified and needs her deck yesterday
just...images from 90s series, man
jdhkfdjhk i didn't think they were possible yet.....
ngl i haven't actually collected arianna's pictures yet |D
They areeee.

Rune put together the donations! I'm actually working on Flavio's next
I'm really excited for Arianna's deeeck ;o; I hope you get the picturs together soon
This is going to be a very EOU release
i have some of the sweet pics from the artbook so arianna's deck will be very pretty
Yeeees good.

As it should be
i'm already done ricky's deck too so

have you posted a preview yet!? I wanna see!
not yet but i'll go throw one up rn!

the artbook, I'd guess!! Ive been meaning to ask him for it |D

i don't always have favorite cards, but 15 is my fave
i just want to see the whole picture and also wondering where rune got it probably the artbook
chloe is a pretty bab thooo
You can always download the files!

he put them in the donation comments!
Chloe is a precious baby...
also i finished the rest of the eou cast :3
Aaaaah yes I saw!!!!!
now that i have the artbook, card 19 is so dangerous
yeah I got them from the artbook