9 years ago
I am gonna get to sorting out TCG stuff (including slot trades) soon... I'm visiting friends and we've been busy with so much stuff, aha.
latest #7
kaede ✽
9 years ago
I HOPE THINGS HAVE BEEN MANAGEABLE ON YOUR END may things slow down some soon
9 years ago
i managed to get league stuff done so that was good but. aha. here we are.
kaede ✽
9 years ago
the league sure was something...here we are referring to it or stuff you're dealing with ATM?
9 years ago
other stuff! tbh it's calmed down a bit more now here but even though I'm technically in my own student house here i also don't wanna be rude to my friends so I've not had chance to grab much computer time
kaede ✽
9 years ago
ah, I can understand that...I hope it's been fun hanging out with them in the meantime (is tidying up around still going on)
9 years ago
we've kinda calmed down on the tidying front because the messy freeloaders have GONE... AT LAST so it's been really chilled out here the past couple of days
kaede ✽
9 years ago
OH SWEET DAY chilling is good, take the opportunity to relax all you can
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