For reference, old-ish doodles of Sodalite and Sunstone
oh my god OH MY GOD
also you are getting a royce tag from me right now okay i love kevin too much for words
i decided that the smiling god is so vital and powerful and otherworldly that it's just... this roiling mass of gems. it is so many gems. maybe it's absorbed a bunch of poor assholes and converted them into--
--gems of its own sort, idk. maybe it just always was a ridiculous number and that's why it's so powerful. WHO KNOWS
the important part is that it's going around desert bluffs like "lol i'm taking over your city gem by gem" and nobody knows why all these citizens are suddenly fusions, who they've fused with or why
it reveals itself at some early point?? and it's pretty blatant about wanting to fuse with sodalite because wow, what a tactical advantage, think of the propaganda, think of the social stranglehold
sodalite is leading the resistance and he's like "okay this is awful but I'm kind of out of options bc we're losing this war...... ok everyone I'm going to go fuse with sunstone"
"because while we're dancing, it'll have to reveal where its gem is"
"and then you all will smash that gem"
he goes and finds sunstone and it's towering over him, way bigger than any solo gem should possibly be, and he just holds out his hand, and it smiles without opening its mouth
dancing starts, army is gathered and terrified, the gems start to glow
sodalite's on his forehead
oh god, its teeth, its teeth are all gems, and its tongue - and all down its throat and all through - it's gems all the way down
the army tries but they can't possibly take out that many gems, and then sunstone just fking picks up sodalite and swallows him
aaaand then kevin exists and everything is terrible the end
(idk what stone he is he's kevin stone)
it's a semi-forced fusion hence the imperfectly melded colour scheme. and sodalite's gem got cracked through with the force of the fusion. meanwhile sunstone has a million gems to spare so it's still running -
- around being an asshole while simultaneously fused with sodalite (and with half the town and counting)
pauses to scream at royce's incredible social graces
a tag in which royce is awkward incarnate
royce: sorry i'm just an awkward nerd [bench presses a broadsword]
i'm sorry i might have to put that SORRY I'M AN AWKWARD NERD [BENCHPRESSES SWORD] on his profile IT DESCRIBES HIM TOO WELL
please do i'm honoured
what the fuck is this tag i'm writing i'm so sorry in advance