Pandora's Actor
9 years ago
In all honesty, what do I need karma for?
latest #15
Pandora's Actor
9 years ago
Absolutely nothing!
Pandora's Actor
9 years ago
And so this plurk continues to lapse...
✰ Kittychi ✰
9 years ago
But of course!
✰ Kittychi ✰
9 years ago
Why not just freeze your karma then, though?
Pandora's Actor
9 years ago
Because it goes up faster than it goes down, so when I do something, it returns to status quo or higher pretty quickly.
✰ Kittychi ✰
9 years ago
But what about all the other times when you do nothing?
Pandora's Actor
9 years ago
It degrades at a much slower rate
✰ Kittychi ✰
9 years ago
That still sounds like a hassle.
Pandora's Actor
9 years ago
I don't watch it as closely so it works
Pandora's Actor
9 years ago
the problem is more at 100+ where the degrade is greater than the upswing.
✰ Kittychi ✰
9 years ago
True, I just froze mine at 100.50 the last time but decided to not even bother this time.
Pandora's Actor
9 years ago
Yeah because it gives you nothing -- and I don't emote as much too. All my posts are boring and emoticonless.
✰ Kittychi ✰
9 years ago
Who needs those emotes when you can have custom ones?
Pandora's Actor
9 years ago
✰ Kittychi ✰
9 years ago
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