And of course for the events tomorrow and Wednesday
...okay I dunno everyone's plurk accounts so people should help me out
and Star already found it
i was just trying to look up plurknames haha
wasoneofthem: also I apologize that I am super omega slow with josh because I am...running the thing...also...
Okay! I. Did not make that connection, but noted and don't worry about it!
I want to combine our thread with Star's since we're at the same place
vandesdelca Reisen ?
is that. or do we. usually parallel process
Oh right, yes. That would be an idea.
usually people parallel process but sometimes if you want to discuss what was found, jumping someone's thread to comment on it is a-oh-kay
oh! okay i am holding up trying to figure out how to smoothly do this but if we're on the same page (there are four of us there now) i guess let's just jump around
i think we're all running into each other a bit accidentally oops
we had a lot of starters. uh. but good work away team!
Yeah, I'm kind of distracted since I'm playing in another game too. In two places.
TEAM EFFORT! But yeah, don't worry too much about slowing the group down. Sometimes it just takes a while to figure out the 'flow' to an explore.
I'd like to assume enough CR with everyone that we at least have each other's names "our cubicles are on the same floor" type thing.
wasoneofthem YEAH NO WORRIES since we're a small group -- and you can assume they've introduced themselves to each other sure!
we're all in this plurk to coordinate oocly at least
But yeah, I think Star has the key, and the packet of cubes, whatever use it has.
(She also has 4 Jasper cubes, having given one to fellow Jasper. Yes.)
how long until one of us licks a cube
as long as they don't get u high
she's p resistant to poisons it'll be fine
i literally pressed submit and came back to the plurk for that
it's good? i think kite has most of them if anyone wants to . also.
...Problem solving! I know how to solve this puzzle! We have an inkwell back in the first room, so we can make a fingerprint impression with the ink and the statue!
Someone tell this to Waver before it's too late! Someone who would actually be smart enough to realize that, please! ...Since yes, Star is... Star. x_x
Someone tell this to Waver before it's too late! Someone who would actually be smart enough to realize that, please! ...Since yes, Star is... Star. x_x
Reisen it looks like she's managing!
oh it's from the desk. for a moment i was like. did. were you just carrying that on your person or
i'm so glad we found party alchemy
....uh, whoops, runner didn't refresh before posting
also you have all the vials plz rescue the juice
Reisen: do you want to let that result stand or try with yellow and blue?
.......either way let waver put something under the spigot
...Let that result stand, yeah. That is exactly what she wanted.
But yes, put something under the spigot.
we got this ::suave hat gesture::
i think we just went with waver coming up after
maybe the machine just takes a little bit of time to rev up
sorry guys, runner is kinda attention-split
brightwinged: can you explain what got passed around and what Star intends to do with it?
I...think star was asking for one of the vials of purple drank
vial of sludge-ink. Specifically, she is trying to ink the fingers on the statues so that she can take fingerprints with the notebook she has on her...
...So that she can make a fake finger for the fingerprint scanner.
okay, you guys now have a green potion and about three quarters of a dose of purple sludge
we're taking green potion back with us to turn everyone into unicorns
ALSO GUYS HEYLISTEN, we are probably going to run late by a little bit if that's okay!
Just to make sure every bit gets done.
I may have to skip out a little early? Would it be all right to leave Kite on autopilot if that's the case?
I'll try and stick it out regardless
I will try my hardest to keep things contained
hokay TO REGROUP OOCLY A BIT i think we've exhausted the stuff in the rooms so
Reisen do your thing with the fingerprints and if that doesn't work we can try the orange goop to get through :|b
Hahaha HF is definitely clear, so nothing about this could go wrong.
your runner heartily endorses this course of action.
we are definitely going to run a bit late, I'm sorry to say.
ahaha we linger over things no worries!
just make one comment to that and I'll set up the Next Thing
just try to make the connection like you did in the last world -- focus on your bonds, reach out to the world
heylisten doing some setup, keep on bonding while I do!
heylisten let's fighting! I expect that we will be at most an hour over
and fully hope to be less than that
i hope. destroying the place a little. is okay.
also sorry todos i don't think i'm going to last more than the next ten minutes
if you do have to crash before it's done we will assume epic boulder darkness murder occurred +_+
the is the most emotional school pledge reading in the history of any world
I will get there in a sec
we're so intense about learning
this is more school spirit than i have ever shown in my actual life
i'm glad our puzzle solving team seems to be doing well
getting to noncombatants while combatants do their reactions!
OH MY GOSH IS THIS HOW IT'S DONE that is so clever but also so funny
i'm picturing everyone kind of bobbing in place in a vague circle while waiting for their turn
YEAH SORRY I forgot you'd never done this
this is so intense for you ty for running it
it's been the most efficient way I've found to run fights
with the synthesizing all the reactions wow
I'mma reply to waver's last comment
i think we may just have been doing it line by line to be more dramatic GO AHEAD
it was like right out of an action film ok BUT YES GO FOR IT
but I also love my deadline
sleep is important for everyone, deadlines are good
should i delete my last comment if you're replying to waver? :|a
I just finished marathon typing that
the more key power and the more unity, the bigger the magic!
meow okay turning in for real. goodnight everyone; i had a ton of fun!
check back tomorrow and you will see!
...i just realized it's past 1am so if anything Estelle tries to do makes No Sense At All, feel free to bonk me and i'll try to make more sense happen...
NO IT'S COOL. I KNEW IT WOULD GO LATE WHEN I SIGNED UP. I just also realized I was doing the 'change ideas and edit a comment halfway though but accidentally leave words from previous idea in' thing
support from noncombatants is coming!
heylisten second-to-last round!
noncombatants are encouraged to help with this
after this attack, if you do well, you'll get a FINAL STRIKE and then aftermath
...Only Star would try to use Fear on a skeleton army...
to be fair, without the noncombatants backing it, it would bounce right the fuck off
but since they are, it won't
yes! i'm typing under waver just a sec '^'b
<3 it's fine, sorry to rush
you're pretty powered up so feel free to bust out cool things you were saving
Well, since you offered...
tantivy ...I COULD. or i could pow hammer the king's head.
Star literally just. Does what she likes. This is not a finishing strike. This is just Star going "You know what would be awesome? DOING THIS!" ...I mean, it still probably finishes what it hits, but still.
playing Tales characters means difficult choices, like choosing between the badass finisher or the hilarious one
MYSTIC POW HAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pow hammer sounds pretty great tbh
...So, random question. What were all the candy flavors in this package Star's picked up?
I literally make them up as people try them
Please feel free to do things at your leisure; I'll pick up those threads tomorrow for those who are headed sleepwards!
Thank you all so much for bearing with me for...two extra hours...
I hope everyone enjoyed despite the lateness!
<3333 it was fun thank you for trucking us along so long
vikarmic: THANK YOU FOR RUNNING IT and for running until the end!! It has been a lot of fun!!!
Yes, thank you for running it! Sorry for all the trouble Star gave, and being slow in general. ^^;;;;
I'm so glad Waver Velvet was in this run
IT WAS FUN, thank you for letting us see a magic school full of feelings
the purple potion does nothing if poured out, but is an ingested poison of considerable potency!
the green potion will grow grass if poured on the bare earth (or otherwise stimulate growth; wood will sprout leaves and twigs, etc.) if drunk, it will turn you INTO A UNICORN.
(You still have full access to speech and all skills that don't require hands. The transformation lasts for about 15 minutes for a sip, or half a day for drinking all of it at once.)
the red potion will ignite whatever it's poured on in consuming flames. dirt, wood, metal, bone, doesn't matter, it all burns.
The "proper" solution to the puzzle was to use the red potion, then?
or have brought the actual fingerprint from the previous exploration
which was an easter egg because I like bringing things back
but I wasn't going to let josh think of that if nobody else did
Did we bring those back with us? Although that land is probably going to need the green stuff.
They're in Waver's keeping so whatever he ends up doing with them/people convince him to do with them!
he'll want to bring back at least a small amount of each so he can analyze and possibly duplicate them but if people want him to do anything with them in the dead world THAT'S FINE
just poke him to do it in the aftermath