so a few, weeks? ago my legs decided to contract some gross infection.
it just manifested as a few spots and stuff, and one particularly large one which got a bit gross
but i went to the doctors and got antibiotics for it and it cleared up
(im not contagious btw, i'm not patient zero)
but it came back this week and again i have i largeish spot on the back of my leg which Isn't Nice
and I know it's infected because it's hot to the touch
but now I'm having a bout of dizziness? and nausea, and my brain is making me a bit paranoid and telling me its related
which is unlikely but i'm a bit /vibrates
cannnnnnn you make an emergency doc appointment tomorrow morning
because it's probably not related but it's best to doctor asap to be sure
(also I know infections can make you feel a bit weird but I don't think a sad knee will melt your brain)
I was gonna call the docs tomorrow 8D;; I saw the nurse before because shes a dermotologist! so i should be able to get an app, if not tomorrow then tuesday
I mean if anything I was gonna go to cry on her and be like "pls more antibiotics?"
to be fair i fucked up. like i finished the course i had before and forgot to book a follow up app, b e ca u se cosplay /trash
no i feel u I've needed to get my prescription for a couple of weeks and haven't
like my shot's not til the 4th but I need the thing to get shot with
but;; yeah logically i know its probs not Mad Knee Disease but thenk u for say
don't have mad knee disease
im gonna do the thing, do the thing
I'm doing the thing! got an appt tomorrow
then I can go and lean at the pharmacist
and then it'll all be good
heck yeah look at us getting medicated
I just straight up sneezed on my own leg so clearly im not that worried really
I completely missed the opportunity to say she sneeze on own leg
I didn't get an appointment today because the nurse i saw before was on leave until tomorrow
so I figured I'd wait to see here
8>;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mistake