Counselor Volt❤ says
8 years ago
What i have always wondered , is how many badges at camp ARE there actually, that you could actually get if you did everything. it would be interested to see a total number of all the possible badges.
latest #31
Counselor Volt❤ says
8 years ago
I always see people with tons of them, but always wondered how many they were missing.
Counselor Volt❤ says
8 years ago
but how do they know this!
Counselor Volt❤ says
8 years ago
who has the time to make a google doc! im impressed
Prompkin Spice
8 years ago
i do have a hidden badge though.. miss bear is out there lost...
Counselor Volt❤ says
8 years ago
i'm surprised my zombie one got on there, only like 9 people showed up to the event
ɢĭseɩɩe ɞ
8 years ago
8 years ago
I still have hidden badges lol
Darla 🌙 Swan says
8 years ago
The Badge Hoarders made up that list. Trust me, we got all the possible badges added onto there.
RoseBun Foofoo
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
We even made a song...
Amanda | Dream says
8 years ago
Is there a badge for that?
8 years ago
And I'm not sure we updated that spreadsheet with all of the badges yet. The master list I believe has more on it.
8 years ago
RFL kinda took away from making sure they were kept updated.
Amanda | Dream says
8 years ago
I think I have collected 107 badges, Tristan has 101, Tatty has 100, Kyler 85, Kiersten 79, Kezz 70, Darla 60... that's the last update we did on our google doc
8 years ago
I just updated the spreadsheet (ninja)
8 years ago
and the group started with 12 of us that attended events and we just pooled together our information into a spreadsheet we can modify. There is 40 people in the group now :-D
Counselor Volt❤ says
8 years ago
seriously impressive!
8 years ago
It only started because we would try to compare what we had/didn't have and kept having to take pictures and inspect so we put it all into a excel document that we could add checkboxes to. I don't think we have
8 years ago
added the badges from the past 24 hours. I know that I am at 105-106 with everything new
8 years ago
Gonna need you to do your zombie event at a future off-sim time. Talk with XelmSnowpaw for stuff with his adventure group VoltaireSerpente :-D
Amanda | Dream says
8 years ago
I only missed 4 events all camp. Bubblegum Dash, Campers Say What, Rescue Crew and EnGuarde
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