Counselor Volt❤ says
8 years ago
Sometimes i feel the most friendless on friendship night, lol its a weird feeling
latest #26
8 years ago
i think others share that feeling, on friendship night i feel really sad and miss people the most.
8 years ago
Yeah me too.
Counselor Volt❤ says
8 years ago
I start to miss relationships with people i used to have,, and i see them with other people, enjoying their lives, and i am so happy for them, but its bittersweet, because i feel a loss, and i am not good at
Counselor Volt❤ says
8 years ago
communicating how i feel about it, or how to deal with it.
8 years ago
Counselor Volt❤ says
8 years ago
Dylan says
8 years ago
8 years ago
McKennah has
8 years ago
been having the same problem this camp
8 years ago
I never go to friendship night. I have enough disappointment in my life.
Counselor Volt❤ says
8 years ago
annieingrid: I dont even know how to respond to that, D:
8 years ago
VoltaireSerpente: I'm sorry.
Darla 🌙 Swan says
8 years ago
I know what you mean. I am sitting in a bench surrounded by friends that I have made, that I adore.. but I always miss you (Ivy), and Gissy.
❤Camper_Yassy❤ says
8 years ago
i totally unterstand you, i always think im the worst person in being social but i sooo miss a really close friendship like some seems to have
Riley/Bella ❤ says
8 years ago
♔ Dolly♔ says
8 years ago
Then you reach out and try to rekindle princess.. it all comes around.. some people come into your life for a reason, go out for a reason and others come into it again when the time is right. I love you.
♔ Dolly♔ says
8 years ago
ʚ Chelsea.
8 years ago
♔Grace♔ shares
8 years ago
Pushes her face against her screen and breaths hard I'm your friend
Counselor Volt❤ says
8 years ago
Gracehime: oh
8 years ago
VoltaireSerpente: so rudes lol
Cara❤Dash says
8 years ago
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