9 years ago
Do people become more prejudiced as they grow older? - BBC News Meh... I think people just become more honest about what they think once they are older. No time for a filter.
latest #18
Chandra Masala
9 years ago
My tolerance for bs lessens every year
Cary says
9 years ago
Interesting article but I hope I don't turn into one of those elderly people. And the part where the grandfather calls his grandchild a name is just so hurtful. My tolerance is less as I get older but I still
Cary says
9 years ago
remain sensitive to others.
9 years ago
ChandraMasala: I hear you. I'm less and less tolerant of BS as time goes on.
9 years ago
Ris62: I don't think you have to worry. As the article implied, that grandfather probably always used that word in his life, but refrained from using it with the girl because he has a working filter.
9 years ago
Now, that filter is gone.
9 years ago
In other words, if you aren't a racist now. You won't become one when you get 60.
Cary says
9 years ago
ashasekayi: Yes, in his case it just was always there. Just so sad. :-(
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
I think you accrue your own experiences as you age, and rely less on what you were told as a child, good or bad. If the experiences your accrue with people of other races/cultures are mostly negative, yeah you
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
get more racist
Chandra Masala
9 years ago
ReneeF: Except if you're viewing an entire culture or race as a monolith then you're already racist.
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
well, yeah, I guess. I can't speak for myself, since don't have a lot of negative experiences to make a determination about. I'm thinking people who have a lot of negative interactions get to a point where
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
they make generalizations
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
it's what humans do. They identify patterns.
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
it's not an excuse for making those generalizations about PEOPLE, just an observation of what happens
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
I am less trusting than I was 30 years ago. I'm less optimistic, I'm less flexible. Lots of things trend toward the negative as I get older and accumulate negative personal experience, so I'm assuming
Renee Harvy says
9 years ago
attitudes about race can be simularly altered.
9 years ago
Throughout life our mind change. For example, The young lack experience and wisdom, but the elderly loose their filter and become more suspious.
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