Or may not. It's a bonus!
Cooooodes! /rolls around and dies inside.
But yes, working on it.... Just don't mind me if I roll around a bit.
i hope someone just like, comments to the prince with it
"what is this. why did you put it in code. why this"
It's not like it's the first time that sort of thing's happened, though.
Or rather, I think this is the third time Star's seen it happen? At this point it's just "...I wish someone good at that kind of thing was here."
it just made me laugh since for once it has narrative markers that are pointing to it coming from a specific persona
instead of it being a complete mystery
the sea there mnces three something something
..."What are their stories?" for last sentence of first line...
/deletes so other people can try to solve +_+;
I used this
solved and im shaking my head gently
"the writer of this is really biased"
Yeah, I'm... sort of half solving it. And not nearly as quickly, since I am also working on doing it ICly at the same time I'm doing it OOCly.
yeah I WILL LEAVE IT TO YOU GUYS0 WHO ARE ACTUALLY...working on icly solving it haha
the cryptogram solver ruby linked really helped
Yeah, I wound up doing it manually with a frequency checker that gave me common sequences, too. I was a bit slower overall, since... Yes, trying to do it ICly, too. x_x
I'm happy to have finally found a code I can solve, though! I'm usually so terrible at these things I'm utterly thrashed by them.
i tried a bunch of keys first just in case
if you use beauty's real name as a key one of the words in the sequence turns into 'boat'
I uh. Just wound up doing it manually, yes. x_x
y...yes. Same... what would be the key anyway
i tried like...god how many did i try
'prince, princess, aurora, ship, boat, beauty, maleficent, astrid, rowan, darkness, duty, purpose, identity, story, stories, key, persona, who am i,' and 'knight'
someone else can test what was actually correct i gotta go out again haha
I typed out the alphabet with what I had in the translation tool... oooohhh
...Oh, I see it now, yeah. Huh.
I uh. Would not have known to try that.
What's the html to make a thing look like texting font
there was another one I'm thinking of particularly, like <tx> except not that
If someone else wants to flush out the other secret, go for it ;O
...That secret's beyond Star, yes. If the secret is the key, I mean. ...Or is there another secret?
Yaeh it's the key. I think.
it's <tt> but sometimes it eats your other formatting
someone should figure out the key o3o