Starman1 says
8 years ago
he's sorry for the bad bad ... Bob Cosby post... but....... he deserves it... horny old man!!!
latest #18
Starman1 says
8 years ago
er,,,, personal opinion here.. great comedian.. but... as a person??? he fails!!!!
Starman1 says
8 years ago
too much against his character, I cannot condone..... if you have different opinion... please express here
Fly Fisher
8 years ago
Bob Cosby?
Starman1 says
8 years ago
sorry.. for the typo! Bill Cosby
8 years ago
And can you believe that his wife had the nerve to say all the women he drugged and raped said they consented to it?! Unbelievable!
Fly Fisher
8 years ago
Starfox: I have lost all respect for him. What a scum.
Starman1 says
8 years ago
oh I agree.. I cannot condonne. (excuse me for personal opinion here) any man that has to seduce a woman with drugs to get enjoyment!
Starman1 says
8 years ago
what the hell is the pleasure??? maybe I am wrong and sorry to rant about this.. but the pleasure has to be in what the 'partner' wants and...
Starman1 says
8 years ago
is willing to give! gawd... and only on their own free will... any man that thinks otherwise needs to be LOCKED UP!
8 years ago
He and others who do this obviously don't care about their partners pleasure
Starman1 says
8 years ago
thats so so obscene, nermalasu , on his part. He has no values... just lust and money
Starman1 says
8 years ago
its the worst RAPE, of a kind IMHO!! I can say nothing different on this!
KiltedMonkey says
8 years ago
Yeah... and I think this is more than just a 'horny old man' thing... he's got some serious mental issues with regard to power and control over others through sexual deviancy...
Starman1 says
8 years ago
ohhh SpyderMan , I sure can agree on this!
8 years ago
I'm glad you expressed your opinions. They need to be heard.
Starman1 says
8 years ago
thank you so much, mimipal
Fly Fisher
8 years ago
mimipal: I agree!
KelticKarma says
8 years ago
Totally agree with you. A man like that deserves no respect
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