Counselor Volt❤ says
9 years ago
SOMEONE obvs hates me, spellin my name wrong
latest #7
ɢĭseɩɩe ɞ
9 years ago
I noticed that hahah BUTTZ
Counselor Volt❤ says
9 years ago
Counselor Volt❤ says
9 years ago
as soon as they said "cabin 2" got it i was like.... THAT Giselle...
Dylan says
9 years ago
if it makes you feel better as soon as i saw buttz I shouted white to my cabin, but we didn't push it fast enuff :-(
Counselor Volt❤ says
9 years ago
ɢĭseɩɩe ɞ
9 years ago
yaas LOL I was screaming white and had yours ready to go 'cause I knew I would know it
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