( rp ) is it really awful of me to die inside every time someone is really, really bad at being a chav
latest #20
like is this elitist somehow? am i expecting too much? is it not an obvious thing that you can't chuck in a reference to sainsbury's or beans on toast and immediately sound british?
9 years ago
learning a different syntax takes a little bit of work
9 years ago
you won't always be perfect, but it's obvious when you put in a little effort
9 years ago
do we need a guide or something. like step one: stop using the word 'bruv' as punctuation. step two: stop using 'pants' to mean trousers. step three: please just stop
9 years ago
the anglo-american guide to learning british english
9 years ago
I'm really glad I'd been playing the doctor for a few years when i went to the uk because I was so terrified of saying something offensive on accident
9 years ago
babby's first time out of the country
9 years ago
I don't know what you guys are talking about. It just happens. /doesn't obsessively watch British television to make herself sound like she's from Britian.
9 years ago
shhhhh you're made of perfection with funfetti sprinkles
9 years ago
that's the best kind of perfection
9 years ago
No kidding ... I love funfetti sprinkles.
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