We've sent out invites to everyone who indicated they wanted to stay. If you'd still like to join us, it's not too late! Just leave us a note here or send the account otherworlders a PM.
Third, we're also going to start sending out invites to players who used to be part of Dragon Haven to invite them to the musebox. We'll be doing this via PM for a character journal that we have -
on record. We won't be sending out multiples of the invites, but it qualifies for any character you used to have in the Havens if you'd like to bring them back. Please be sure to reply to the PM if you're -
If you have not received a PM and would like to be invited to come back, again, PM otherworlders for an invite or leave a PP to either Espo (radically) or Phase (puncheverything).
If you're a current player and would like to bring someone back immediately, feel free to do the same. If for any reason you haven't been added but want to come to the musebox, just get in touch is-