9 years ago
Stupid tube strike.. v.v
latest #16
lyl witch
9 years ago
Slap them with an old warm herring
~ Ainsley ~
9 years ago
I'm sure it's inconvenient, but please don't cross picket lines!!! Those workers probably have some serious issues - no workers WANT to go on strike, trust me.
9 years ago
Their issues are wanting a premium for night time working on top of their 50K basic salary. I find it hard to feel bad for them when it took me 3 hours to get to my minimum wage job and 3 hours to get home.
9 years ago
Im sure no one wants to work retail either. \o/
~ Ainsley ~
9 years ago
Night premiums are pretty standard, particularly in public sector work. It sucks that people are inconvenienced, but sometimes public pressure is the only way to get an unreasonable employer to listen.
~ Ainsley ~
9 years ago
(I sure wouldn't want to deal with the nonsense transit conductors have to - let alone bus drivers!)
They strike A LOT though and in London that's a pretty big deal for people not to be able to get where they're going.
~ Ainsley ~
9 years ago
I'm kinda surprised they don't have interest arbitration clauses in their contract. A lot of transit services do (at least in Canada)
9 years ago
It would be grand if they did. The stress it puts on Londoners is insane. If we felt like they deserved a bigger wage I am sure we would be less pissed off about it, but they're overpaid as is.
9 years ago
I felt really sorry for bus drivers today. They were super stressed out.
AinsleyWirefly: Yeah they're paid nearly 100k a year translated to Canadian. That's not an amount I pity them for when they cause this disruption, even if it does come down to "well everyone else gets..."
lyl witch
9 years ago
It makes me feel like I've been doing my life wrong because I could have saved to buy a house by now if id left school and gone straight into being a tube driver :/
Yeah and the other thing is, they could easily have their jobs replaced by machines. It would be no big deal and things would be safer and cheaper for everyone. But they shut down the ciry whenever any move is
made towards that. And I get it, it's good for people to have jobs. But they run shit like tyrants.
lyl witch
9 years ago
9 years ago
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