9 years ago
apomorphine I've yet to actually see you on AIM, lol. Having fun playing with you, wondered if you wanted to set something else up or maybe do a meme somewhere?
latest #55
9 years ago
no pressure, I know you're slammed with game RPs and existing meme stuff already
9 years ago
God yes, let's do something else, merdude or something else!
9 years ago
yes please!
9 years ago
I've got Bucky, Natasha, Steve, Wanda, and Peggy I can throw at anyone, lol
9 years ago
Oh gosh! I have Rumlow, Bucky, Pietro to throw in the pot
9 years ago
Bucky & Rumlow are only really fun if Bucky's recovered enough to have some ability to say 'no' to him, I do think
9 years ago
or in an AU like the merdudes
9 years ago
Yes, I agree with you there. Otherwise it's a lot of Rumlow telling him what to do and leading, which can get tedious
9 years ago
Mmmmmm, merdudes
9 years ago
I do love those merdudes XD
9 years ago
they're hot, yum
9 years ago
I like the mix of aggression and friendship they've got there
9 years ago
I really like that. Are they going to get caught sleeping cuddled together in our thread?
9 years ago
eheh I suppose we should invite the others in if we want that to happen
9 years ago
They'll probably just get up and snarl at each other and go opposite directions XD
9 years ago
they just passed out there after fighting. OBVIOUSLY
9 years ago
Clearly. That's how they roll in that Shire
9 years ago
I do want to keep playing with your Rumlow, though
9 years ago
watching this trainwreck you and Jess have going on in the soulmates meme is amazing
9 years ago
Oh yes, we should think of some other antics for them to get up to in the mer-world or something else, maybe a meme or some kind of psl
9 years ago
God it's a glorious train wreck. Fire and explosions and everything
9 years ago
it really, really is. I'd throw somebody at him in that meme but you're already covering everything good with Steve, Bucky would just kill him and Natasha would probably do the same
9 years ago
though I do kind of want to play with the idea of Natasha finding her soulmate and FLATLY REFUSING TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT
9 years ago
Ha ha, yes... Rumlow deserves to be hurt and badly
9 years ago
OMG yes Natasha, that would be hilarious. You know... I've never RP'd with a Natasha for more than like 2 comments
9 years ago
I ghosted around on bakerstreet for a while but it was before I knew you at all
9 years ago
the question is, if I throw her at Brock on there, how the hell do we keep them from dying, or him dragging her into HYDRA?
9 years ago
post fall of HYDRA maybe?
9 years ago
Yeah, BS is really hit and miss, especially lately
9 years ago
I haven't read the comics on the Red Room part of it yet, but that is also an avenue, but he kind of needs to have some measure of freedom, which is hard to justify for him
9 years ago
not sure what you mean? What does the Red Room have to do with it?
9 years ago
MCU wise, I'm not sure if he's going to be included in that canon
Miko was
9 years ago
Rumlow involved in Red Room? I didn't know that
9 years ago
Oh no, but Bucky might have been?
9 years ago
I can't imagine that Rumlow had anything to do with it, since he was more of a thug and such
9 years ago
Rumlow would be the worst soulmate ever
9 years ago
oh I was talking about her with Brock, so I was confused, lol
9 years ago
I knew about Bucky's connection to her, though I haven't read the comics for it either
9 years ago
We are all confused. I blame the heat, ha ha
9 years ago
Yes, I feel bad for her if she has to have a round with Brock
9 years ago
all the good Brock/Steve ideas you're doing with Jess already, lol. So we need to find Brock/Bucky stuff that won't be boring b/c Bucky's too broken
9 years ago
Mmmm yes, but those can be hard to come by. I suspect we can think of something glorious though. We are both very creative people
9 years ago
what would Brock have been like as a handler for the asset? Like, would there be some respect, or would he be an ass just because Bucky couldn't fight back?
9 years ago
Depends on the Rumlow. If it's like a shipping meme, he's generally the biggest ass, since the asset doesn't make overtures for sex. Probably can't even say no.
9 years ago
oh yeah I was thinking more in terms of how Bucky would view him AFTER he'd recovered - if Brock was someone who treated him decently back then, he might not just kill him out of hand
9 years ago
Generally I play him as a good handler, crisp orders, ability to work well with the asset but isn't afraid to come down hard on anyone who might jeopardize a mission. He'd even take the boot to the asset if he
9 years ago
had to, but he sometimes prefers the 'carrot' method, not that Bucky gets any real carrots. He would have liked to leave the missions to the Soldier and be second in command that way. However, he'd take
9 years ago
lead if there was a problem or a malfunction with the Soldier. He'd be extremely efficient to the point of ruthless. He's willing to throw anyone under the bus for the mission.
9 years ago
I wouldn't say he was cruel to the Soldier, since the scene where he's getting zapped sort of makes it seem like Rumlow might have apprehension about that part of it
9 years ago
However, if he gets mad or pushed, he'd totally have his finger on the button XD
Miko says
9 years ago
I'm just pondering something where he maybe runs into Rumlow some time after the fall of hydra, fights off some shield agents trying to take
Miko says
9 years ago
Brock down because he remembers liking Brock as his favorite handler or something
9 years ago
Oh that could be a wonderful twist!
9 years ago
I could see them bonding kind of oddly on missions that lasted long enough for Bucky to be out a few days, lol
9 years ago
As long as Bucky just firmly refuses to allow Brock to talk him back around to being in HYDRA, it could work ,lol
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