9 years ago
[book/tv recs] Has anyone here watched Sense8 or read The Raven Cycle? I'm looking for opinions on both...
latest #36
9 years ago
pinging tldr because...lbr there can only be one ya queen
i've been on the fence about watching sense8....
so camps here for opinions also
I've watched Sense8, it takes a while to pick up and some stories are less interesting than others, but the concept is neat and some of the ways they try to work with it are fun to watch
also read the first two TRC books, they're interesting? it kind of makes me think of someone who read HP doing their own marauders thing
which is more simplistic than it actually is, but I couldn't shake that for some reason
9 years ago
:u That sounds promising on both counts! What is the overall....I wanna say tone, for Sense8? More 'thriller'? Or more SoL?
9 years ago
(For lack of a better term)
9 years ago
started Sense 8 . Gave up 15 minutes into ep 1.
9 years ago
Ouch. That bad?
Stiefvater can't write. ... I mean, I've read worse, and I don't hate her, but it's a rich boy angst harem, I got through it and moved on.
9 years ago
'angst harem' but is it an actual harem, you know my priorities.
9 years ago
no, actually - I think if it were bad, I would've managed more for the point-and-laugh factor. Just really dull. That said, alot of people on my plurklist really dig Sense8
Haven't watched Sense8, but people are vacillating between "great concept!" and "I'm here for seeing my own kind on screen, I don't really want to pay attention to what they're doing."
9 years ago
and there're a lot of comparisons to Cloud Atlas, if you've read/seen it.
9 years ago
I have not!
It's YA. You wanna ask me that question again. : (
there's not often a consistent tone throughout it bc it jumps around between so many different stories
9 years ago
Cloud Atlas is a cool book. I hear it's also a good movie (can't confirm). Essentially intertwines different stories that span a good few decades (even centuries) and focus on mostly unrelated characters.
9 years ago
Thanks Jay! Honestly you're making a good case for it. How many eps do you think it takes to take off?
9 years ago
Usually these stories end up touching on events or characters from some previous stories - it's done well, more like ripple effect than direct interference (which is CA's entire point. )
9 years ago
yeah, the Wachowskis also did the CA movie, so I'm not surprised there's plenty of similarity....I might try the book.
most people say around episode 5, which is almost halfway through, but there was enough entertaining stuff in between I think - I tend to watch (and watched this) in the bg while working on other stuff though
I multitask my tv X-(
9 years ago
the book was cool - quite liked it. Only one storyline dragged for me. I read it in Ro, so not sure whether Mitchell's approach to Old Speak [TM] is palatable in En, or cheesy. It was good in translation.
it's very sparse on it's main 'plot' outside the character stories
9 years ago
I'm okay with less plot....I'm more of a character-driven watcher/reader anyway, personnally.
yah, you should be good then! I tend toward that too, though sometimes I JUST WANNA KNOW STUFF - and then regret it when the plot reveal stuff ends up disappointing
9 years ago
ah, poop. was that the case here?
nah, they don't really tell you anything yet, it's all very vague
9 years ago
LMFAO there are....four books, right?
No L
9 years ago
It's definitely character driven, sense8, and it definitely starts really slow. Three or four is when it's finally working.
9 years ago
that seems to be the concensus, yeah! skywards do you wanna watch it together?
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