Turducken says
9 years ago
More for the camp store!
latest #11
Turducken says
9 years ago
https://farm1.staticflickr.com/256/19004796349_70f5fcb61f_b.jpg https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3758/19190940515_ab61ed4ee2_b.jpg
Turducken says
9 years ago
Available at the Official CHK Shopping Headquarters!
Turducken says
9 years ago
Darla 🌙 Swan says
9 years ago
Are there versions without the "Cabin #" on them?
9 years ago
thefreedomsessions: If you really wanted one i could take it off
Gemma ♔
9 years ago
AlkatrazConstantine: I'd like plain ones too!
9 years ago
I have included now, plain versions inside the packs
9 years ago
If either of you bought one, let me know
♥Sɪʟᴀ♥ says
9 years ago
Yay Ivy :-D I will have to get one when my mom and I go shopping later c:
Darla 🌙 Swan says
9 years ago
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