[ff7] my one hope for the remake is that they tease the fuck out of there being a way to save/revive aeris in game
latest #15
like even more so then ju8st finding her weapons like the original
and then implant no way to do so
Spoiler alert: Aeris doesn't die.
actually they might put a way to bring her back, since she can do the same thing as SEPHIRTOH in ACC
You think you're reviving Aerith... but you're not, its Madelyn Pryor instead.
-Rak that joke was uncalled for-
Or maybe when you visit the church where you can see her ghost, this time you actually see her ghost.
Man, I can't wait to see what kind of goodies they work in.
You know it's not going to be the exact same game but with better graphics.
They'll make a few changes (hopefully only to minor things) I'm sure.
i just hope that they keep the honeybee inn, in all it's glory...
They've confirmed crossdressing Cloud will happen, and that's tied in a lot with the Honeybee in, so I think chances are good there.
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