9 years ago
damn these new teams are slick, thoughts below
latest #63
9 years ago
glad the units/unit leads system is gone, in a way, even though i liked the idea of units
smol rainbow
9 years ago
it makes things a lot easier on people oocly, for sure
9 years ago
not sure i wanna shuffle NV anywhere but I am SUPER eyeballing grey for elsa
smol rainbow
9 years ago
the units are a cool idea, but i think i like not having them in practice, yeah
9 years ago
grey leveled up like whoa
9 years ago
yeah, agreed, in theory good, in practice eh, they'd work if we had a small and v cohesive playerbase
9 years ago
but in this case each 'team' is already a 'unit' within the crew, so....
No L
9 years ago
They helped form interesting bonds, but there are other ways to do that too.
No L
9 years ago
Elsa on grey would be interesting.
9 years ago
with the new orange changes, now that i look at the page....noh-varr is basically the most orange so he will probably stay where he is
9 years ago
tbh the unit system never seemed that much use to me. It did have its uses, but not really for everybody. So I'm glad it's been ditched >>
marine parkour
9 years ago
marine parkour
9 years ago
this all looks awesome, they're definitely good changes for adapting to a mcuh larger game than originally planned
9 years ago
yes!!! i am so hype
No L
9 years ago
And hey, he was wearing short shorts even before they were the team uniform. He's a hipster orange.
9 years ago
9 years ago
admit it, you just want to keep him in the team with the shorts
9 years ago
also, i'm looking over the new team page for green and the focus seems to have shifted primarily to the offensive, while yellow provides defense (aha)
9 years ago
so maybe i wanna put elsa there?
No L
9 years ago
But could she handle retiring a recruit if the call got made?
9 years ago
No. But I originally picked Green because I wanted to play on the fact that she sees herself as destructive and has never really used her powers or skills in a protective capacity.
No L
9 years ago
Aye. So basically you have a lot of options, hee.
9 years ago
but tbh she'll have trouble with everything starting off. my main concern with putting her straight-up on grey is that she'll never get off of it.
9 years ago
and also, her mission freebie will be on hold until she gets off of it.
No L
9 years ago
Yeah, that's a fair concern.
No L
9 years ago
Maybe don't app her as potentially grey, and if the ooc post answers questions about how to get off of grey you can talk to someone about a transfer?
9 years ago
It seems like the next post will address Grey stuff, so yeah, I might hold off and make her team choices green/yellow.
9 years ago
when're apps due.....
9 years ago
i already submitted, so whatever i do it'll be an addendum.
9 years ago
but i have twenty-four ish hours to mull this over.
9 years ago
ahhh good luck, friend T_T
9 years ago
/o/ i'll be fine. tbh, i got out of this pretty handily.
9 years ago
i feel for people who no longer fit on their team, since it seems like team specialization is gonna be a bigger thing going forward.
9 years ago
so after this i'm a bit torn because she basically....only fits green
9 years ago
i don't want to app her onto grey until we have an info post about grey.
9 years ago
but that's happening after the app window closes.
9 years ago
No L
9 years ago
Ah, yeah...
9 years ago
I feel you re: timing-stuck between announcements - still on hold re: next freebie because idk how this one will fare
9 years ago
she can't tech, she can't do subtle, i guess i could keep blue for logistics?
9 years ago
but obviously, that's way less important than the team thing
9 years ago
yeah. i love the idea of grey, i'm just really wary about the execution.
9 years ago
well, it's for sure not gonna be stigmatized
9 years ago
if it can be apped into
9 years ago
i need/want assurance that there'll be a definite way off the team though, because there've been greys who have been there for months and months and that's something i could see her getting into
9 years ago
which in turn would be exhausting
No L
9 years ago
Yeah, exactly.
9 years ago
hmmmmm could you ask them what is their estimated course of transfer for someone who apps into Grey?
smol rainbow
9 years ago
yeah the no clear way off is a definite problem
smol rainbow
9 years ago
so i'm looking forward to seeing the followup post with gray info
9 years ago
just be straightforward - say you'd have a character who'd fit the training wheels at first, but you're wondering on longer term, after what-month term you'd be transferring
smol rainbow
9 years ago
well they haven't yet put up the info post for gray, which is supposed to cover that info
9 years ago
that, basically.
smol rainbow
9 years ago
so no point in jumping the gun on asking when that's liable to be answered in a post in the next couple days
9 years ago
jackie, is garrus staying on green?
No L
9 years ago
I'm torn.
9 years ago
ahaha, i think several of us are in this boat....
No L
9 years ago
What would challenge him most is Green and Black both, but you have to do the opt-out thing and he could land Orange for his tech skills and that's way too comfortable for him.
No L
9 years ago
He'd get lazy, wouldn't be pushed. So... yeah, I haven't decided yet.
No L
9 years ago
I love Green, though.
9 years ago
Ok, dropped a question (dw had a fart???), and now bed
9 years ago
sleep tiiiiiiiiiiiight
No L
9 years ago
Sweet dreams!
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