[e3/dxmd] lmfao I got harrassed by gam^rgat^e for expressing an opinion on one of dxmd's devs using gg hashtags.
latest #9
apparently that makes me a racist and a bigot
it's been a year, like, aren't they bored yet?
they don't have any games untouched by ~the feminism~ to play
like, if they'd actually read my tweet they'd see that I was pro the poc dev, anti the fact that someone supposedly related to the development of DXMD was using gamergate shit.
and I'm like GOD christ GO PLAY VIDEO GAMES
so I had to lock my twitter for now cause i want to be able to talk about deus ex
btw they're just searching for anyone saying "deus ex" on twitter so if you wanna talk about it, use code or lock up
deus ex hr is like my favorite thing and I AM SO JAZZED FOR MD
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