I had a dr appt this morning
but because I was literally 4 minutes late (due to construction) they told me I'd have to reschedule
to which I replied with the polite equivalent of "screw you" and left
nevermind that I waited two hours to see a doctor there 2 weeks ago because they were short-staffed
they are also the ones that wouldn't call me in a simple antibiotic for my tooth/ear/eye infection so I wouldn't have to pay out the butt to see a dentist just to get the same antibiotic
I can see it's clearly ethics, and not money, that drive the healthcare system
do you have to go there b/c of insurance?
like do they tell you where you have to go
like I was there to have a check up because they started me on a new antidepressant two weeks ago!
that doesn't seem like the sort of thing
I have more selection so I'm not going back there
Yeah, exactly! It was a very important appointment!!
And like if I can't get in in the next week or so, I will just run out of this antidepressant, and have no refills because I never has the two week check up
It's not helping at all, anyway, which is what I was going to tell them, and I literally have no other antidepressants to try, but the point is I could have severe side effects, like be suicidal, and
they would have no idea/don't care because god forbid I was 4 minutes late and would have to wait 4 minutes less in the waiting room 8|
ugh i am so pissed for you
It was so ridiculous, and I was very obviously pissed, so I went on a bunch of different sites the office is listed on and posted horrible reviews lol
It's not even the doctor, obviously, it's that bitch nurse there, and mercy health, in general
It's just so frustrating, and a shining example of how mental health is not considered a real concern, and definitely not as important as one's physical health, apparently
if I had gone in there with physical pain of any sort, they would have had to treat me