Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
So I just heard about the FFVII remake, and... I'm tentatively interested... but...
latest #42
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
... does anyone else remember when Squenix gave sound reasons for why an FFVII remake wasn't feasible?
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
That the game we remember is too open world and expansive, too long to make given the work that goes into making graphics these days?
9 years ago
So excited.
That was back when they were having monetary problems, I think, too.
9 years ago
Also probably just an excuse not to do it.
XIV was revamped and is probably now making them enough money they can pay for it and hope that the demand that's been happening will in turn pay for the weight of the game
9 years ago
I hope it's because of panic that they won't make much money off of XV given how long it's been in Dev Hell and the mixed response from fans, but that's just me. >.>
But even if not, XIV can probably continue to be a steady stream of income so the company isn't going to almost tank... for what, the fourth time?
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I actually am looking forward to FFXV... except that it's like
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
white boy road trip time.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I still am... hesitant about a FFVII remake. It's such a huge endeavor if they're going to do it any way that will meet people's hopes.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
That said, E3 this year does make me think I might want a PS4.
I was excited about XV until I learned more about Type-0, which gives me a considerable lack of faith in the director
9 years ago
^ that too
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I know nothing about Type-0.
9 years ago
9 years ago
Be very glad.
9 years ago
I had a very long discussion about it recently and it was positively draining tbh
9 years ago
We got it, and while watching Geoff play it first I lost interest in playing it myself.
9 years ago
He even stopped playing it.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I am glad.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I didn't even realize it came out.
Freakin Bat
9 years ago
9 years ago
You can grab the translated version on the psp.... i think you have a cfw psp right?? (if not you should get one)
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Yeah, I didn't realize Type-0 did.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
And uh... hm. It's been so long since I've used my PSP.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
IIRC the cfw one had some hardware trouble and it was cheaper to just replace it.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I dunno if I really want to go through the effort of doing all that again.
9 years ago
ah :[
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I'd consider doing it for Fate/Extra CCC.
9 years ago
The psp version of that game hurt my poor thumbs
"pointlessly edgy" is a good way to describe Type-0
9 years ago
The finale kinda felt out of left field too, and Machina was a grade A idiot.
9 years ago
I liked what I played up to a point.
9 years ago
Then it turned into "we're going to throw level 99 enemies everywhere deal with it"
9 years ago
And not off the beaten path but on the world map directly in front of where you need to go.
9 years ago
Then you get to the story dungeon and they do it again!
9 years ago
Only in the time it takes them to say "It's too strong, evade like mad!" You've already engaged and wiped.
9 years ago
And so far, only Ace, Rem, and Machina have any worthwhile development, not that that's saying much.
9 years ago
As for FF7, tentatively interested is a great way of putting it. Not sure it'll live up to the dream.
like, on one hand, Kitase is fully involved so there may be some creative integrity to the remake
on the other hand, Kitase was also fully involved in the compilation, so......................
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