9 years ago
So, AnimeNEXT starts tomorrow... and my department is starting off kinda shot in the foot. I'm hoping this isn't a bad sign. We're down 2 people, one who's in the hospital.
9 years ago
It's not like we're important... we're only Registration.... oh wait, we ARE important.
9 years ago
And we've got someone who can't be there until fucking 5 PM on Friday... and then will miss all Sunday because of a plane trip... and her hubby, who's also in my staff, has to take her, so he'll miss things.
9 years ago
We've had our pre-reg jump by 17%. SEVENTEEN PERCENT. We're at NINE FUCKING THOUSAND.
9 years ago
The first two years in our current location, our entire WEEKEND wasn't nine thousand!!!
9 years ago
I've got things as smooth as possible, but I'm still worried. I want to keep our reputation up for service, but it's going to require a small miracle, I think.