9 years ago
So, I think I might have an injury. And I think it might be somewhat bad, but I'm not sure. Yes, it's weird to say that. But hear me out....
latest #21
9 years ago
So I went bowling on Thursday. This may or may not have been the source or the final straw in the issue, but it probably had some effect.
9 years ago
I used to bowl a lot, and in a league or two as well. But the last time I bowled was about 3 years ago.
9 years ago
So I went with a friend, we threw 3 games, and the next day, I had some various pains.
9 years ago
Amount these were a pain in the muscle at the right rear of my neck, and another by my right shoulder blade. Oh well, just some muscle soreness, right?
9 years ago
Well, as time went on it got better... sort of. The pain just seems to be moving. First over to my shoulder, now down my right arm.
9 years ago
The current location of the pain is about even with my armpit, on the outside of my arm.
9 years ago
However, my shoulder is rather... stiff might be a good word.
9 years ago
And if I move my arm around, my shoulder tends to pop or click. It feels like I need to crack it like I would crack a knuckle.
9 years ago
And sometimes it makes a similar sound, too. But I can really feel the joint moving around.
9 years ago
It's like it's rolling over in the socket at times. It's uncomfortable, but not painful
9 years ago
For example, if I put my arm straight down with my palm facing forward and then rotate my arm until my palm faces backward, it makes said noise
9 years ago
The reason I'm worried is that something like this happened a few years ago with my LEFT arm
9 years ago
My back felt tight, I tried to hang from something to stretch it, and then the pain started to slowly move in day by day
9 years ago
It got bad enough that I actually started taking pills my mom had been prescribed for post-surgery pain (either percoset or vicodin, I forget)
9 years ago
Those still weren't helping, and I had trouble sleeping because of the pain.
9 years ago
I currently have 10 days before I have to work a BIG convention. And I'm scheduled for a LOT of things that weekend.
9 years ago
I think I need to visit the doctor tomorrow. Or later today. Or something like that. I just need to find out when he's in. Because we have a working agreement on things.
9 years ago
If this is something that rest, heat, etc can fix, then fine.
9 years ago
But the last thing I'm going ot need is being unable to sleep for a MAJOR weekend event, while I'm heading up one of the most important departments of the convention.
9 years ago
Also, i have a problem with trying to sleep while in pain... unless I'm EXHAUSTED, I can't sleep
): def get it checked out, sounds like. And I hope you feel better soon
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