Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Shooooooooooooooock! Kuma shock! (New icon)
latest #12
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
It is the Melon Bear, the mascot of the city of Yubari in Japan.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
It makes children cry.
9 years ago
good god
9 years ago
why would anyone design a mascot like this
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I imagine that the city council meeting went something like this.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
"We need a mascot for Yubari that will stand out. All mascots are cute... but are the... fearsome???"
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
"Behold, the Melon Bear."
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
And no one had a better idea.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
In their defense, he's quite popular.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
I love him. He's not cute, he's terrifying~!! Eat me, Melona Kuma~
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Basilmemories You'll appreciate this creature.
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