I live! Or so it's said, anyway. I return to Plurk, briefly, because if I remember correctly I owe ninjarobotclone a review of Bravely Default, having finally finished it.
But I don't buy the "true" ending for a minute. Breaking one crystal, and missing out on a certain amount of backstory/characterization, and dealing Ruin a millions-of-years setback on the one hand...
...and on the other, the literal destruction of what, half a dozen worlds, chaos and destruction on all the in-game worlds that would otherwise be avoided, the end of (at least one iteration of) Derosso...
...and the actual destruction of Ruin (or so it's said; really, guys, you think a primal force like that isn't going to come back? I may not be too fond of what Korra did to the Benderverse worldbuilding, but
Also, I don't believe they ever even tried to explain why Yulyana and Derosso survived for millennia, unless that's what Derosso shouting near the end was supposed to be.
Possible. I did take a break from the game for months, so there are probably plenty of things I've forgotten. But I don't remember anything being said about how Yulyana survives, and Derosso...
heard some kind of voice or something? There's something in the endgame that's probably supposed to be relevant, but it's utterly void of any kind of actual way of extending life.