The Emperor
9 years ago
[Panels/Masquerade at Conventions] So I want to start asking anyone I can now, how possible would it be to stage a musical/play at a convention?
latest #43
The ♥ Lovers
9 years ago
a whole play? I don't know
The ♥ Lovers
9 years ago
usually masquerade skits are only 2-5 minutes long depending
The ♥ Lovers
9 years ago
and I guess the resources available depend on the convention, like, do you want it to be treated as a show/put in the same venue concerts and whatnot are being held in? Do you want it to just be out on the
The ♥ Lovers
9 years ago
convention stage?
9 years ago
If you can get a hold of the con's higher up staff who usually book stuff then it can't hurt to ask I guess
The ♥ Lovers
9 years ago
Yeah I was going to say, you may want to ask the staff
The ♥ Lovers
9 years ago
because that's a generally unique idea on its own and you may want to discuss what options you have based on their capabilities
9 years ago
they'd be able to help with getting the word out and listing the play as a feature event too
The Emperor
9 years ago
Yeah, hahaha it was just an idea, I don't think it'd be an immediate thing I'm like "I'M DOING THIS". But maybe more of a thing I work towards
The Emperor
9 years ago
I want to start looking into working on panels of a smaller nature or volunteering for now
The Emperor
9 years ago
This is a bit of a departure from my "Hey I want a butler cafe to be a thing at cons" crusade I was on at fanime
The Emperor
9 years ago
But I just wanted to know if that was something a con even had the capacity for
The Emperor
9 years ago
But if I could change the scope of some of these projects and had the cast power... I know there are con goers talented enough to work a stage production
That would be really fun if you could do it.
I think you did a great job handling all those kids for the play at the school. ' w '
And it'd be cool to see something like that happen at a con.
Bigger audience and more targeted toward than just HSer parents haha
And hey I think it's gotta be doable. People do panel things all the time and G had that whole CWF thing.
So "out of norm" panels is a thing
The Emperor
9 years ago
Yeah, that's one reason I thought this idea might still be realistic. The CWF is an atypical panel and I feel like fan panels are really hit or miss at most cons.
The Emperor
9 years ago
Industry will always have panels where they attend, but after going to see a couple fan-run ones at fanime this year for the first time in... I can't even remember
The Emperor
9 years ago
It was just like... there's gotta be more talent than this. More people that would want to do a bigger project
9 years ago
I'm sure they would! It's just a matter of finding them and getting everyone together that's the tough part
9 years ago
Maybe start out with small cast productions and grow it out as people gain interest?
9 years ago
God knows you're in a good location for this stuff
The Emperor
9 years ago
Yeah! I think starting smaller is a good idea. I need to understand the venue better too so I'd like to just help out people first and figure out if this is something people would come see at con
9 years ago
there's totally an audience for it. Were you thinking of venues for your cartoon/game theater adaptions then?
9 years ago
The only thing I could see being a problem is the first run or so before word of mouth spreads that it's legit and not uh... like an awkward masq skit for an hour
The Emperor
9 years ago
Yeah, or other people's if I could start collecting other interested writers. It doesn't have to be all my work
9 years ago
a cosplay/geek themed theater troupe is a really fun idea hahaha
The ♥ Lovers
9 years ago
dude I would be so in for tha
The ♥ Lovers
9 years ago
The Emperor
9 years ago
I thought you might Jacqui!
9 years ago
What a rad idea!
The ♥ Lovers
9 years ago
I love both helping to write/choreograph and being in skits and things so it'd be really fun!!
The ♥ Lovers
9 years ago
But nah dude I think this is a really cool idea!!
9 years ago
I don't know in some ways, because coordinating people and making sure there's a substantial audience might be tough. It sounds good tho
9 years ago
Who goes, who reliably performs without dropping out, and how do you finance it being major hurdles. Because while I know plenty of people
9 years ago
Who might attend an event like that if it were free; I'm not as sure about who would pay to see it. I stopped attending masquerade stuff
9 years ago
Because of length and skit quality, so projecting skill and good production value would be more crucial for a more adult audience
9 years ago
Buuuut both of those require money
9 years ago
If you've got concrete ideas for how to go about it , I'd like to hear them, it does sound really fun. Acting for askblog stuff is A+, so
9 years ago
I can only imagine that more of it would even better. I'm not professionally trained, but there are many people who are, for what you'd
9 years ago
Want. Cons attract drama nerds.
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