Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
[MidSyn] When Melona is giving detective advice, I am terrified.
latest #9
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
She and Weiss agreed that the creepy stuff going on is probably the work of one person, but Weiss brings up that it seems like it they're in a lot of places at once.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Melona splits herself into two Melonas and tells her,
9 years ago
Dammit when Melona has a good point of all people...
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Well... if you're looking for someone who doesn't think in terms of being limited the way most people are?
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
She's a good candidate.
9 years ago
Kanaya just thinks its an appearifier
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
Melona is exactly the kind of person to tell you to throw out your assumptions and common sense and re-evaluate things or turn them on their head.
Kumaria Drama
9 years ago
'cause as far as she's concerned nothing is impossible. Impossible is what you call something no one has pulled off yet.
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