I want to ask about Thierry and Ariel and Glen
but questions are difficult
eviscerates Glen is being a travesty like he always is but he's better without constant Felid
what color is glen's underwear
what's his ideal boyfriend type
He's like. More focused on Winning now instead of just surviving/getting out of that situation so he's broadening his view a bit but!! he hasn't really let himself recover either
since he doesn't want to address being fucked up by it or by people coming and going so he's doing his thing and just Being Fine and worrying about what he wants to accomplish instead of what
may be affecting him in the now
it's kind of that same outlook he had talking to bb yuu in flashbacks like WELL YEAH I FEEL TERRIBLE IN THE DAY TO DAY but I keep doing it anyway because there is smth I eventually want to do and
I will just keep trucking until something makes it less terrible
Tell me about how Thierry is taking court. How both Ariel's are doing re: Tris, and what fucking Kureto is like for Glen.
ALSO HE PROBABLY WEARS NEUTRAL COLOURED BOXER-BRIEF LBR. They're grey/black/white/navy completely standard dude underwear
and his ideal boyfriend type is someone who gets him without having to be explained to/accepts and understands his tsun, gives him space and has faith in him but he's also pretty attracted to people who are
strong and inspiring and on his level so
he's into inspirational good-hearted leader types ok that's why he tries so hard to be one even though he sucks at it
turtleducks Thierry likes court so far! Nothing bad has happened to him or Arluin really so the oddness has just been fun and exciting. He's enjoying seeing strange things that aren't like... fucked up
like oh magical things that work. And he likes traveling and talking to people well enough so it's kind of just an extension of their existing journey to him? He's not overly hype but he's enjoying himself.
/touches Ariel. (what are actual questions? we just don't know.)
oops I got distracted but
Ariels vs Tris is just a mess??
THEY ARE BOTH REALLY ATTACHED TO HIM in their ways, cute Ariel obviously with real affection where shitty Ariel isn't capable of it
but shitty Ariel just feels furious at being betrayed by him and a little bit afraid of him and wants to get back at him for it, mainly
whereas cute Ariel is really frustrated with him but really would like to work things out, he just doesn't know how and every time they talk he gets mad and other Ariel gets mad and that makes him nervous and
he just kind of feels like talking to Tris is slamming his face into a wall because Tris refuses to budge and gets sarcastic and expects him to spell things out over and over
and then dismisses it because he refuses to budge
so he's not sure what to do with him because, well, he's not going to budge eithe
so all they do is mock and insult each other
then for Glen fucking Kureto has so far been an exercise in self-manipulation??
like as long as he has himself convinced that he's in control of the situation and he has equal power and they're just rough-housing he's ok
he knows he's doing things he doesn't like and he's in a situation he doesn't actually want to be in but as long as he's doing it because he said so in order to complete a goal and he can leave at any time
but he's still like... really fucked up by Felid so he's still subconsciously acting out of fear in a lot of ways some of which he's not even entirely aware he's doing!
and he's really quick to fold, he's just telling himself he's doing it on purpose, which, technically, he is
he's not WRONG in what he's telling himself it's just really twisted and unhealthy
and the instant Kureto breaks the "rules" or shifts the power too much and makes him feel trapped or controlled he'll freak out
but!! that has mostly not happened yet so he's doing okay, and tbh he would rather be doing this because he doesn't WANT to be messed up or unable to function in any capacity because of Felid
he wants to be able to do stupid things when he wants!!!
the thing is he did this exact thing WITH Felid for like 8 years so
like from teenagerhood up until the marriage fiasco started he was operating on that whole "well you haven't taken anything I didn't give you willingly so it's fine" thing
and "you're not degrading me I'm degrading myself so I'm not upset"
and. He WAS pretty ok with that until he decided he had enough and tried to walk away and couldn't.
but he's just starting over on the exact same train of behavior with someone else
only with a lot more starting damage
BUT also he can actually legitimately walk away a lot more than he ever could have with Felid

idk Glen's stupid