Jishin Bailey
9 years ago
http://www.suburbanturban.co.uk/shopimage/web_image_files/ALBERTAfinFRNT800_web_image.jpg I got my new summer chemo hat today! I won't look half as awesome in it but I'll post a pic later. lol
latest #7
9 years ago
How pretty! You will look even MORE beautiful!
Jishin Bailey
9 years ago
Oh biancaparamour, I want you with me always as my personal cheerleader. You can tell me I'm pretty when all my hair falls out and I'm puking everywhere. lol.
9 years ago
I certainly will! Because I will see more than just the color of your face; I will see the strength in your eyes, the beauty in your soul, the determination in your mouth, and the brain beneath your bald head.
9 years ago
That hat is adorable and you will be too when you have it on! Or without it. Either way.
Pam Spam
9 years ago
I thought it was Christina Hendricks on the tumbnail lol, you are gorgeous
Jishin Bailey
9 years ago
Oh gosh no, that's not me! It's just the photo for the hat. I wish I looked that good, or thin.
Pam Spam
9 years ago
well you owe us a pic of you wearing it then :-P
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