9 years ago
[Destiny] Need to vent here but: How bad can a person be when they go 3-10 in a match and their overall K/D IMPROVES? Just won a Skirmish match where it was basically 3 v 2 because of this one guy.
9 years ago
He stood in areas and didn't bother reviving people (even though their icon blinks "Revive!")
9 years ago
And he even stood on a pillar, watched an enemy run into a room, kill me, grab the heavy ammo, run to the corner, and then just turn and put like 3 bullets into him for a quick kill.. WITHOUT MOVING
9 years ago
I watched him once on the post-kill cam... he ran into a corner under a pipe and just was aiming his gun up toward the pipe and standing there. While enemies ran in and shot him.