Victor1st says
9 years ago
I'm not going to say it.. actually.. i will.. Jo Yardley and Draxtor.. I TOLD YOU SO... shoving Occulus down everyones throats along with the rest of the "elite luvvies" of SL...
latest #9
Victor1st says
9 years ago
There's the MINIMUM specs for Occulus Rift, you need a £1000+ gaming rig to run it, which the vast majority of SL users dont have. Now can we please shut the fuck up about occulus now? Thank you...
Fuzzball Ortega
9 years ago
Know what's funny? It looks almost exactly like a headset that came out in the mid-90's that you could attach to the Super Nintendo and have an alleged "VR" experience while playing Mario. Todays Tech can't..
Fuzzball Ortega
9 years ago
make it slim.
Fuzzball Ortega
9 years ago
I'm not interested in it. Give me a large monitor for the PC and I'm happy with Second Life.
9 years ago
Other than the GPU, that's really not a high end reference system and by the release time next year it'll be in the lower end.
Samm Florian
9 years ago
So th'early adopters'll hafta be folks with lots of disposable income: how's that differnt from any other new technology?
9 years ago
until they solve the input problem, it's all a moot point as far as I'm concerned. I suppose passive entertainment consumption might be great in it (depending on vertigo when the "film" moves your POV)
Garnet Psaltery
9 years ago
It could end up as popular as 3D movies i.e. not very
Ceejay Writer
9 years ago
So only some people will be able to use it, same as people who drive expensive cars or can take trips abroad. I can't, but I don't deny that fun to others. Not understanding the put down, actually.
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