Amy (Scarlet) says
9 years ago
AndelRhiadra! Lookie what arrived! Oh my goodness, it is just too cute
latest #12
Amy (Scarlet) says
9 years ago
I love the book of postcards and the big pen haha that comes in so handy right now. So much easier for me to hold
Amy (Scarlet) says
9 years ago
Thank you so, so much! It was just so sweet of you
❤ Brie ❤
9 years ago
LOl that pen is perfect
Andel Rhiadra
9 years ago
Andel Rhiadra
9 years ago
Andel Rhiadra
9 years ago
Andel Rhiadra
9 years ago
Everyone needs a huge pen tbh.
leilany | meme says
9 years ago
omg how awesome
Andel Rhiadra
9 years ago
Hopefully you can read my writing on the notes behind the postcards.
Amy (Scarlet) says
9 years ago
AndelRhiadra: most definitely! Seriously it's just perfect
Andel Rhiadra
9 years ago
I hope you enjoy everything.
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