Amy (Scarlet)
9 years ago
I kind of wonder what people expect to see when they come visit me? I had a neighbor come over just to visit just for a bit and she kept saying she was so shocked to see how well I looked.
latest #47
Amy (Scarlet)
9 years ago
I just wish I had like a mental image of what they expected cause I feel like I look sick, but they see the opposite.
Cami Mahovlich
9 years ago
Probably someone on their death bed ready to kick the bucket would be my guess, pale, haggered.
Pat Fenis
9 years ago
i blame extreme depictions in movies
Ohana Inc. says
9 years ago
I had the same thing happen as if they expect to see you bald and weighing 80 lbs
Pat Fenis
9 years ago
maybe you can dress up movie style sick with makeup and then in the middle of the convo wipe it all of and be like 'surprise bitch'
Little Pariah
9 years ago
Put vaseline under your nose and eyes
leilany | meme
9 years ago
YOU ARE suppos d to look like a zombie doh
9 years ago
an angel
Yeah, you're not supposed to look normal, you're supposed to be all haggard, hollow-cheeked and pallid, with massive bags under your eyes etc. You're doing it all wrong by being so awsm
9 years ago
THIS Amy this is what they expect so stop disappointing people. gets out her makeup MAKE OVER TIME!
9 years ago
PS for anyone that thinks I am serious people just don't. It is just a joke.
Little Pariah
9 years ago
Stop doing sick wrong, Amy!
9 years ago
I'm disappointed in you, sooo disappointed
Sick Cheese
9 years ago
You're so bad at this sick thing Amy. tut tut
Amy (Scarlet) says
9 years ago
LOL you guys are fantastic. I clearly need to be working on this sick pity me thing a bit more
Little Pariah
9 years ago
ScarletCSkylaC: I told you this at the start - always pull out the C word, when you want something (LOL)
Tutti Anatine
9 years ago
That's the second time I'm seeing that message.
Tutti Anatine
9 years ago
Well honestly ScarletCSkylaC , when someone is close to death (not you, hear me!), I kind of expect them to look less normal, at least pale. But I've found it often not the case.
Tutti Anatine
9 years ago
But I'm sure people notice when your movement is different (slower) or your energy level lower.
Amy (Scarlet) says
9 years ago
Tutti Anatine
9 years ago
I saw that Zina1000 message in another plurk. Appears to be spam.
Amy (Scarlet) says
9 years ago
TAnatine: yeah they definitely notice that, I'm a but slower and my voice is wonky, but I guess it's always nice that I look better than I think
Amy (Scarlet) says
9 years ago
Zina1000: you could private plurk me...
Little Pariah
9 years ago
ScarletCSkylaC is having a secret romance with a bot
Amy (Scarlet) says
9 years ago
I don't mean to sound harsh, I'm just not quite sure who you are (unsure)
Amy (Scarlet) says
9 years ago
ArianaSz: don't tell MurrMurr
Amy (Scarlet) says
9 years ago
This is getting weird
Tutti Anatine
9 years ago
oh my, Amy, you sexy beast, even bots are falling for you
Amy (Scarlet) says
9 years ago
ohhh yeaaah
Pat Fenis
9 years ago
Pat Fenis
9 years ago
this plurk took a strange turn
Pat Fenis
9 years ago
why can't people talk to me on hotmail
Pat Fenis
9 years ago
Who let the vibrator near a keyboard#?
9 years ago
Totally blocking the crazy.
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