deinera has
9 years ago
just about had it with people being shitty on twitter, I swear to jeebus if I get subtweeted again I'm gonna start blocking.
latest #14
do they subtweet with your name or how does that werk?
9 years ago
...I was trying to come up with a smartass subtweet but failed. probably for the best.
deinera says
9 years ago
Subtweet is where it's clearly regarding a conversation you were JUST HAVING but they leave your name out to be passive-aggressive.
deinera says
9 years ago
deinera says
9 years ago
Yes. Basically.
i don't get people sometimes. i weep for the human raace.
deinera says
9 years ago
"Imma complain about This Thing for Weeks"
/people try to help
/have conversations where people try to help because it's clear Person is either A) An Idiot, or B-) Doesn't have a clue
deinera says
9 years ago
"I don't even know why I bother anymore" in between responses. Um, alright I guess. >.> Fuck you too.
deinera says
9 years ago
(Not anyone here, btw)
i figured. :-D
ugh, though. people.
deinera says
9 years ago
Yeah. Definitely.
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