9 years ago
[夜深講薰嗣/懶打中文所以放打好的英文/遲點打中文的/找人陪我哭哭] I used to think anime NGE!Kaworu's death was the saddest and most painful death in the three deaths, but now I think about it, Q!Kaworu's is the most painful.
latest #27
9 years ago
Rebuild was the only universe that Kaworu and Shinji managed to build a stable healthy relationship
9 years ago
(not saying that their relationship wasn't stable and healthy in anime NGE verse, but they didn't get enough time to develop it as KAWORU FUCKING DIED IN A DAY JFC)
9 years ago
In NGE, it was painful mainly for Shinji's side; but rebuild was painful for both sides.
9 years ago
It is obvious that NGE is in the earlier stages of the timeline, where Kaworu hadn't fully understood humans (or Shinji) yet, and probably does not understand the pain that his death would cause,
9 years ago
but rebuild is set later where Kaworu's agenda is to bring Shinji happiness (and had gone through time loops in between trying to reach that goal)
9 years ago
That means Q!Kaworu knows how much his death is going to hurt Shinji. He knows that he has failed to bring him happiness.
9 years ago
Imagine trying so hard, dying so many times to bring a person you love happiness, but failing every single time.
9 years ago
Also, Q!Kaworu didn't want to die. He's the only one that didn't want to in the three Kaworus. Think about that.
9 years ago
;;;;;someone cry with me
9 years ago
you remind me I have not start to watch eva lol (##
9 years ago
yukiaoi: cri with me even when only your head is what's left
9 years ago
Be_Careful: gdi watch it you dweeb so you would cry with me
dolling: I would start tonight (? trying to find some websites to watch it lol
9 years ago
Be_Careful: ahhh if you're watching english subs then I think I could recommend websites for you, but idk anywhere to watch chinese sub ones
9 years ago
dolling: (yay)
TV version and DaR and EoE were major mind-screwers to me dunno if I could bear watching them again
9 years ago
yukiaoi: same though, I sat through EOE blank after asuka died and the only time I reacted was crying to giant naked kaworu
would not rewatch EoE
9 years ago
I was full of WTFs throughout the first half of EoE then I just went blank in awe through the second half.
9 years ago
Still think as of today that most parts in there were just there to screw viewers' minds up rather than conveying any message ˊ_>ˋ
9 years ago
yukiaoi: YEAH MAN I AGREE. IT WAS MADE TO FUCK WITH US. all people I know who watched EoE went blank at some point
tbh I liked the TV ending though??
9 years ago
like it means a lot to me because it explored so many subjects and issues, and Shinji finally accepting himself is really important to me since I relate to him (don't we all)
9 years ago
although you could say it's all happening in his head
9 years ago
Maybe it's just me then, coz I had difficulty understanding, so it's just my mind got screwed up but not necessarily a problem with the movie.
9 years ago
Maybe I'm just too sick of having to see every one of them in pain and dying and no way back.
9 years ago
yukiaoi: I think EoE was meant to be a mindscrew pfft, the majority of people don't really bother to include too much of EoE while writing analysis probably because its just
and BS
9 years ago
I think that gives us all pain :') plus certain parts (mainly ep 25 and 26) contain triggering scenes it /is/ difficult to watch
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