just ely asks
9 years ago
what makes a mesh piece "too small" for SL? and how come sometimes a mesh won't scale down even though it's larger than another part that will scale down?
latest #12
just ely says
9 years ago
i usually get around this by joining the too small piece with something else...but i don't want to have to do that.
Isabelli says
9 years ago
If still on blender ad an object and delete everything but one vértice. Don't remove the doubles and uupload it
just ely says
9 years ago
so, just one random vert? where in relation to the object?
Isabelli says
9 years ago
You need to join the objects before delete all but ibe vertice. It will increase the size of the main object in Sl, because that vértice is
Isabelli says
9 years ago
Part of it and counts in distance buy it is too small to make difference in land impact
just ely says
9 years ago
ok will try that, thanks!
9 years ago
usually there's one dimension of one piece that's happened to hit the .010 limit, which usually can be gotten around by just adding whatever piece that is to the rest of it and making it a new material group
9 years ago
oh, right, you said you didn't want to do that, okay nevermind Isa said exactly what you should do, don't mind me :-P
just ely says
9 years ago
yup i know exactly what part is getting in the way, its skinnyyyyy. The item I'm working on will be easier for people to fit to their avatar if certain parts are connected and others are editable separately.
just ely says
9 years ago
I have to make sure that where I add random vertice too doesn't change its "center" and make it strange to mod.
just ely says
9 years ago
thank you, that totally worked. first time i deleted extra verts before joining and that didnt work, but once i slowed down and did it the right way...success.
Isabelli says
9 years ago
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