Evangelical says
9 years ago
today, 8 people were murdered by the Indonesian government, including 2 Australians Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran executed in Indonesia but one pr...
latest #7
9 years ago
ahh they were executed. I was confused for a moment.
Evangelical says
9 years ago
even if its done by a government it is still murder
9 years ago
Ok I respect your feelings on that. I see the one person who may possibly be innocent was spared. Thats a good thing.
Evangelical says
9 years ago
Where I come from, we do not legally murder people in the name of the government. It is an alien concept to us.
Evangelical says
9 years ago
"There are few greater displays of abuse of State power and regressive thinking than the death penalty." - to quote a federal government person
9 years ago
to me this isn't so much a debate of whether or the death penalty is right or wrong. Its an issue of respecting the laws of another country. These people committed a crime and they were punished according to
9 years ago
the laws of that country.
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