Shteevie asks
the microsofties: Does win10 have or plan to have something like MS Keyboard Layout Creator built in?
latest #16
noticed that win8 was not on the list of supported OSes for this, and it has the potential to be very useful for me. Would like for you to put the idea in the suggestion box if not.
Morskittar says
It installs on 8.x just fine, but looks like it may be partly redundant. Not having used it I can't assess for sure, but 8.x can do this: Using multiple languages - Microsoft Windows Help
Morskittar says
This looks more flexible, but will probably run just fine on 10.
Morskittar says
oh, apparently it takes a workaround to get functioning correctly, but it seems for most, the functionality they need is built in.
if it runs on 10, I'll do that. Or maybe try to memorize the US-International layout, but that one is more confusing than it needs to be.
Morskittar says
I can drop it on a test machine at some point
Morskittar says
and submit the feedback - it'd be cool functionality to have built right in, especially if half is already there
and a day 1 regedit to disable caps lock.
Shteevie says
what I really want to do is convert Caps Lock into another shift-like modifier to get €, ß, ä, ö, ü, etc. with maximum ease. Right now, I can't find a way to do that even with 3rd party software.
Shteevie says
oh, and how about a mixer that lets me assign sound sources to outputs?
Morskittar says
could you do that with a gaming keyboard or software? That allows you to freely remap or create macros?
Morskittar says
how would you use a mixer like that?
Shteevie says
for now, I'm on a laptop. My next machine will probably use a wireless 'couch style' keyboard, maybe logitech has one with lots of customization options.
Shteevie says
and in my head, the mixer is just like the one in windows now, but lets you reassign the audios from different sources to various outputs.
Shteevie says
games never include output selection, so I have to go through a very careful process of "start game, turn on aux speakers, start music player" or something like that to get things to work the way I want.
Shteevie says
if you can set up video sources to different displays, why not the same with audio?
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